Can Astrology Tell You About Your Past Lives?

When I began fully diving into astrology as a full-time study in 2019 I was dumbfounded by the power of what I was discovering in my chart.

I remember the point when my mentor at the time, Daphna Romanoff, started talking about retrogrades and began speaking about the connections between the outer planet retrogrades in the chart to past lives. I was instantly hooked, and a million questions began to rise up in my mind. If there was a connection between finding Saturn and Neptune in retrograde in my chart to my feelings around persecution, self-worth, and authority what else would I find in my birth chart? I knew instantly this was going to be something important, and that I was stumbling on part of my life’s work.

I started to ask the question “Can you see your past lives inside of the birth chart” in the same way my sister-in-law had asked me “Do the chakras correlate to the zodiac” 2 years prior. Naturally, I fell down a Google rabbit hole in searching for information on the connection between past lives and the birth chart.

At the time I honestly didn’t find much. A few articles on the moon, and of course, I had devoured Jan Spillers's Astrology for the Soul back in 2014. So I knew there was a connection from the Nodes of Fate, and possibly the moon to past lives. But there had to be more.

In my opinion, the whole chart had to be karmic.

I thought to myself “If my soul chose to incarnate here at this time, then I MUST have chosen to come in at the exact moment to have this birth chart.” I knew that had to count for something. Minus a small blip in high school where I believed in nothing, I’ve always felt a deep knowing that there was a reason we’ve come here. We have a bigger purpose. The idea that it’s all random just never sat right with me.

It wasn’t until my mentor was looking at my chart one day that she noticed the square from my Leo moon to my Pluto in Scorpio and pointed out that I might get a lot from the book The Hades Moon by Judy Hall that I understood there were astrologers out there who had dedicated their lives to studying the connection between karma, past lives, and astrology. It was at this moment that in a used bookstore the book ‘The Hades Moon’ nearly jumped out at me and my life was forever changed. Not only were there astrologers who were studying past lives and karma but people like Judy Hall were also doing past life regressions to see how things measured up. 

10 years of breadcrumbs from reading about my North and South Node to this ‘aha’ moment were guiding me to deepen my understanding and knowledge of the karmic implications of the birth chart. 

Let’s make something clear. I am not an evolutionary astrologer, and karmic astrology is, to some, not even a valid title. The astrology world can get just as stuffy and collegiate as anything else. But let’s also make clear that as an Aquarius North Node, 11th house stellium, yod to Uranus soul - I did NOT come here to fit into the old ways (and yet beautiful ways) that astrologers have set before me. I am here to blaze a new trail of understanding the implications of our past lives through the birth chart to help souls liberate themselves from the patterns they’ve been stuck in. I am here to help people reclaim their power by understanding where they’ve been in order to see what their soul is looking to learn and heal in this life. 

Karmic Astrology is not a widely discussed, or known subject of astrology but I hope that as my work grows I can bring more awareness to this powerful subject and the teachers who preceded me.

Karmic Astrology

Karmic Astrology uses the multi-million point system that is the birth chart to help decode the ingrained patterns, karmic loops, repeated patterns, and mastery a soul comes into this life with.

Though I think humans will be spending the rest of eternity fascinated with trying to understand, prove, and disprove what happens after death - I’m not so concerned with trying to prove anything to you. Like the many times when people meet an astrologer and want us to prove our profession like asking a trained monkey to dance. I could care less if you believe what I show you and I have no interest in pulling up someone's birth chart to “wow” them with how accurate every single reading is.

Reincarnation has been an interwoven belief throughout all civilizations, even in Christianity there was a belief in the existence of souls before birth. That is until the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 AD. During this council, Emperor Justinian and the Church condemned the teachings of Origen, including his ideas about the pre-existence of souls.

Karmic Astrology is a powerful way of reading the birth chart to access information stored in the astral bank (also known as the Akashic Records) to understand the many reasons a soul incarnates. This means the “good”, and the “bad” though in Karmic Astrology there isn’t a big focus on good and bad, but instead an understanding that certain experiences are more difficult than others. Regardless, we all have many missions here on earth and I use karmic astrology to understand the soul lessons a person has chosen. 

Some souls are more ready to sort out their karmic loops. Some souls are stuck in rigid patterns (I’m looking at you, heavy fixed sign charts) and have a more difficult time breaking out of their karmic patterns. And all souls have mastery, magick, and pain points carried from previous lives.

Karmic Astrology can help you unlock the reasons behind some of your most deeply ingrained habits, why you get stuck in certain loops, and why you keep attracting the same situations, partners, and people into your life. It can also show you where you have potent mastery and magick when used for the greatest good. 

For Example…

Those toxic relationships? They’re usually related to some sort of Venus-Pluto aspect, 8th house Venus, or 7th house Pluto energy.

Those commitment issues? They’re usually linked to many lives of experiencing abandonment, and issues with freedom and can often be found with Uranus aspects and Aquarian Karma.

And it never fails to be confirmed by the feelings and experiences found during Past Life Regressions. Could it be the subconscious just playing out themes? It could be, but as Judy Hall states “does it really matter if it’s true or proven?” as long as it helps the soul heal - all stories are important.

Karmic Astrology can show you some of your most ingrained and stuck issues in this life and how your soul is choosing to evolve and move through these sacred lessons.

It is a tool, as I see it, of pure liberation.

Take for instance the many people living with unexplained “dis-ease” and psychosomatic illness. Often I’ll find 6th house or Virgo placements associated with this. A 6th house Pluto or Saturn is almost always working through some deep body healing in this life in some way. A 6th house Hygeia often denotes a healer, medical astrologer, or doctor. As does Hygeia on the Midheaven. Karmic Astrology helps us understand the why behind some of these patterns, as often we cannot find them in the current life. Health Karma is a real thing, and there will always be a spiritual reason why one incarnates with it. This might be related to lives of being a healer, vows from previous incarnations, or unfinished business around the physical body. (This is where past life regressions and energy work are powerful in untangling what really happened.)

What Karmic Astrology is not

Karmic Astrology is not the magick solution to all of your problems. Like all healing modalities, it takes co-creation to begin healing your karmic residue. 

Yes, you will begin to uncover and understand many of the “why am I this way?” questions that have been haunting you your entire life. 

Yes, you will feel deep confirmation about why you have felt the way you did your whole life when you start to understand your karmic signatures. 

And yes, unlocking these signatures starts the healing process as you automatically begin deep shadow work when you do this work. 

But Karmic Astrology can’t do the work for you. Working with your birth chart is a constant unfolding and experiment in what your soul needs for healing, liberation, empowerment, and exaltation. With that comes the opportunity to continue to work with your shadows (and your mastery) through what you discover. 

How does this help you heal?

This is where other tools like past life regression, hypnosis, therapy, energy work, and whatever else inspires and empowers you to begin to move out of the trauma. This is also where you can harness powerful tools to begin to sharpen your mastery, like inherited psychic potential, among other things.

What you do with the information you decode is up to you. It’s important it doesn’t remain in the mental realm but is brought down to earth through embodiment.

An example of this is discovering you are more prone to an overactive nervous system through a heightened frequency of Mercury, Uranus, Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, etc. Once you discover the karmic reasons behind why you’re stuck in the mind, instead of the body, you can begin to rectify this through embodiment practices that feel aligned with who you are becoming.

This is all part of tuning into your higher self and becoming the more exalted version of yourself here on earth. You can do this by understanding what I call the high or low octaves of every sign, planet, placement, house, etc. 

As Chiron teaches us, the wound is where you will automatically heal others in this life. The Karmic wounding your chart will become a natural place where you begin to help the world in your own special way (isn’t that why we’re all here) and your Karmic blueprint is part of the key to realizing your potential.

So where do you begin?

Though I do personally believe everything inside of the chart carries karma, for better or worse. There are potent pockets of information you can begin with. The Outer Planets carry deep karmic stories within them when you know what you are looking for. Aspects from inner planets to outer planets will help you understand the pain power and sacred power hidden within your inner realms. And of course, the Nodes will be one of the most powerful starting points to understand some of your karmic comfort zones and part of your purpose here on earth. 

If you’re ready to start decoding your Karmic Astrology, I’ve got you covered. Grab the
FREE Guide to Decoding your Karmic Codes here. In this epic guide I will show you exactly how to unlock the door to 3 of your Karmic Codes that have been holding you back your whole life. Consider this the ultimate cheat sheet to the Karma of the signs, houses, and three of the most impactful points in your chart - that you can refer back to, over and over again. You’ll cut through the astro-science and start learning with simple, practical ways to de-code the areas of your life where you might be feeling the most stuck.

Start de-coding your karmic signature and understanding what has been holding you back from living on your own terms with this
practical guide to Karmic Astrology.

Subscribe to the
It’s Karmic YouTube Channel

Continue discovering Karmic Astrology in this lesson on Karma 👇

Ready to start studying Karma & Past Life Astrology through the It’s Karmic Method with me? Get on the waitlist here.

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VIKA BRADFORD - Karmic Astrologer, Teacher, Speaker, Writer

Vika Bradford is a Canadian astrologer, writer, spiritual teacher, energy healer and host of the It’s Karmic Podcast. Vika has been studying spiritual practices since 2012 and began teaching her philosophies and practices because of the powerful healing effect they had on her life. Through her 10+ years of study she began teaching Karmic astrology in 2020 to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by helping her students and clients discover their authentic selves through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. Vika began her journey of healing after many years of depression, suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety and many auto immune disorders.

The purpose of Vika’s work is to assist in her students and clients finding true liberation, living outside of the system, and shattering the norm around healing and being human. This is done through her powerful system of astrology, embodiment, and energy work to bring her clients back to homeostasis, authenticity, and their true selves through courses, certifications, mentorships, a monthly membership, certification and potent birth chart readings.


Healing Karmic Comfort Zones Through the Moon and IC


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