Decoding Ancestral Astrology with your IC placement
If you’re anything like me you’re obsessed with astrology, the past, ancestry and getting to the root cause of what’s holding you back from expanding to your highest potential in this life (big Jupiter problems there) And within the realm of decoding your cosmic blueprint you might have wondered time and time again how your birth chart relates to your Ancestral Karma. Trust me when I say I get it. This coming from a soul who history, the past, and esoteric teachings have been woven through their whole life.
When I began studying astrology I felt like something was missing. I instantly started to wonder about karma, how past lives were linked to the birth chart and how I could untangle the relationship with my family (those here on earth, and those in spirit) through understanding my soul blueprint better. Can you relate?
I became obsessed with certain aspects of the birth chart.
When I began studying astrology, one of my favourite parts of the birth chart to start readings (and still is honestly) was what is called the Four Angles.
The Four Angles in your chart are determined by your birth time and truly your entry into this world. Within the Four Angles you find your Rising sign (ASC), your Midheaven (MC), your Descendant (DSC), and your Imum Coeli (IC).
Each point forming a sacred part of your incarnation cross at the exact moment you were born.
Epic, right?
What is the Imum Coeli (IC)
The Imum Coeli (IC) was the point in particular that caused a spark within me to begin to burn and engulf my thoughts as this is the point of your past, your roots, your past lives, and your ancestry. The best part was the moment I discovered that my North Node (point of destiny fulfilment in this life) was sitting ever so sweetly on my IC.
I literally came here to do this work. I had chills when this information seemingly dropped into my lap from the aether. But that’s how this stuff works. (More on that another day.)
This one point within your chart contains magick and medicine to help you finally come home to yourself and untangle the roots of who you are leading you to deeper nourishment of self.
Have you ever heard of your Imum Coeli (IC) placement?
This is the one placement in your birth chart that not enough people are talking about in my opinion. If I’m being honestly, 98% of the souls I connect with have not heard of or explored this potent placement inside of your chart. I’ve had the honour of helping hundreds of clients access the magick and medicine (and karmic wounding) entangled in this little placement often hidden within the base of your chart.
The IC, also called the Nadir is opposite your Midheaven and holds the key to your:
✨ Your karmic roots through your subconscious and past life patterns, generational karma, and comfort zones.
✨How you naturally feel safe, nurtured, and secure and deepen your self care through building a life in alignment with who you truly are.
✨How to clear, cleanse, and release old karmic debts and pain points by shedding light on the areas of your past life signatures that need better understanding.
✨How to heal your root system and begin to understand what you need in order to have a secure and solid foundation to live upon.
This one point within your chart contains magick and medicine to help you finally come home to yourself and untangle the roots of who you are leading you to deeper nourishment of self.
This is the ultimate self care placement as creating a home within yourself begins to heal the part of you that is seeking safety outside of yourself through things like:
💫 Reliance on external relationships for emotional stability instead of cultivating self-love and inner peace.
💫 Depending on material possessions to feel secure rather than finding intrinsic value and contentment.
💫 Clinging to material wealth, luxury, or hoarding and remaining unchangeable without addressing internal emotional turmoil or insecurities that “things” seem to fill the void of.
💫 Relying on external systems for well-being rather than prioritizing a lifestyle that supports your physical, mental, and spiritual health.
💫 Finding security and worth in wealth, status and career achievements rather than nurturing radical self love.
💫 Seeking validation and belonging from others rather than fostering self-acceptance and self-reliance from within.
💫 Becoming rigid and controlling around routine and predictability over embracing change and adapting to life's uncertainties with inner strength.
💫 Trusting government and legal systems for protection instead of advocating for personal rights and boundaries.
💫 Spiritually by passing and outsourcing your power to spirituality or faith without addressing inner conflicts or fostering self-compassion and understanding
Shall I go on?
Each IC placement holds within it deep wounding around a certain energy in your life but your IC exposes the cracks in the foundation and provides you with the medicine to begin securing your footing from within (which always in turn begins to flower on the external.)
Through this placement I have healed massive wounding around my ancestry and family and untangle more unhealed places to practice deeper self love and forgiveness every single day.
What has decoding my IC done for me?
Over the last four years I’ve been able to understand
💫 The link between feeling like an outsider or black-sheep in my family and my patriarchal line, my fathers moon sign, and both my parents Chiron placement.
💫 The link between many ancestors homes being taken from them (bombings in WW2, the Highland cleansing, and many many cases of adoption and abandonment
💫 The rebel spirit that exists within my ancestry in which I have incarnated to be the vessel of change for
It’s been a lot to process but one of the most impactful places of healing I’ve accessed so far.
It’s helped me come to terms with the things I wish my parents had done with their lives, the love they carry for me, and deep forgiveness for the disconnection I have always felt.
Did I mention this is one of my favourite placements inside of the Birth Chart?
This is the magick of Ancestral Karma and Astrology weaved together to unlock the major soul lessons you are working through in this incarnation.
Imagine what wealth of knowledge is held within this placement in your chart?
How do you begin working with the IC?
It’s my goal to make these Astrology teachings accessible to you so I’ve created a 31 page guide to help you access all the magick of this placement within your chart.
I’ve made it one of my deepest focuses inside of It’s Karmic: Past Life Astrology Certification and It’s Karmic 2: Ancestral Karmic Astrology for the major reason that it should be talked about more as it is the doorway to deep self healing and inner soul restoration.
Ready to access the wealth of knowledge held within your IC placement?
This Guide is for you if you are obsessed with understanding where you came from while unearthing the shadow and light of your ancestry and lineage through astrology.
This is guide is for you if you’re:
A generational curse breaker, paradigms shifter, and system disruptor who knows you incarnated to break the cycles of your inherited karma and start liberating your bloodline.
The Black-Sheep, Maverick, or Misfit of the family who wants to understand who they are, and what soul lessons you incarnated to heal in this incarnation.
A healer, spiritual teacher, coach, mentor who is ready to unlock the magick of self love by getting to the core wounds around nourishment, safety, the subconscious, and home.
A passionate astrology enthusiast or seasoned astrologer who is tired AF of fluff astrology out there and wants to bring ancestral karma and deep soul healing into your work.
Someone who has been through a dark night of the soul and is ready to come home to themselves by moving through the heavy shit with practical and powerful tools and make radical changes in their life.
Someone who knows the ancestral cycles end with you, and is ready to make peace with yourself by discovering the magick and medicines in your birth chart.
If this sounds like you, then you’re in the right place.
Don’t just take my word for it, listen to what my community has to say:
“I loved Vika’s teaching style. Not only is she a plethora of karmic knowledge, she does a beautiful job sharing and organizing the information in a way that’s easy to digest and understand, regardless of your astrology level.”
Renata Taravski - Astrologer
“Vika’s teachings really brought this new angle of understanding to my astrology studies and linked together this soul remembrance of dark feminine. My scorpio moon felt right at home with Vika. I am looking forward to integrating these teachings in my future practice as a spiritual psychotherapist”
Stephanie Brumfield, astrologer
“if you are seeking to deep dive and get some answers to those questions that you've been pondering over or to really amp up your trust in the universe and surrender to what is Vika’s teachings are for you. She is an amazing storyteller that makes conceptualizing the way Signs,Planets and House's interact with each other really fun and its gets exciting to view your own chart and others charts as their story in the same way.”
Sinead Ferguson
So, I bet you’re wondering “what makes you an expert in helping me?…”
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