Clearing Doomsday Karma: Jupiter & Uranus Conjunction 21º Taurus

Today we have Jupiter, the planet of expansion, morality, futuristic idealism, faith and optimism meeting with Uranus, the planet of rebellion, innovation, and technology and radical change.  

The meeting of these two planets historically creates radical moments in changing the way we as humans do things. 

One thing we have seen as Uranus has been moving through Taurus since 2018 is the heightened awareness on the earth, sustainability, money, and since 2020 - our food supply. 

We are radically revolutionizing our connection to the planet, farming, food, safety, security, stability and our values as a collective. 

With the added bonus of Jupiter moving through this sign the view point on all these topics has truly expanded in our consciousness  - you can see it everywhere. 

Right down to the frequencies of natural disasters - many of which I believe are man made as the “power who wish they could be” are manipulating our weather and blaming it on the citizens of earth. 

And yet we are waking to our role in all this as we pour plastics into our oceans, burn recycling, and light tires on fire in the deserts. 

Not to mention the extreme tensions building around the frequencies of war. 

Who wouldn’t be afraid? 

And yet - is this all created to keep you in a loop of fear and doomsday karma? 

That’s for you to decide. 

Clearing Doomsday Karma 

For as long as time has existed humans have told stories of the end of days - and yet it never comes. Each celestial event there are false prophets stating it’s “the end of days” and yet… we’re still here. 

We must wake up to the mythic dooms day karma that has been interwoven into our psyches for a millennia. 

This is a karmic loop deeply written into your cellular and ancestral DNA - and it’s time to clear it. 

Why do humans create end of days stories? 

Survival, security, safety (all Taurus things.) It all comes down to the belief that we do not have enough, that we must hoard, protect, grip, reach, and rigidly stick to what we know in order to protect our need for safety and our values. This means anyone who threatens that safety is the outsider or considered dangerous. This also turns the psyche into creating stories around danger “out there” - a very Scorpionic theme (the opposite of Taurus.) The belief becomes “I am not safe, the world is not safe, they’re out to get it, the end will come” and so in true human fashion we create myths of a saviour (aka the rapture, apocalypse, new earth, etc) 

All of this to protect the fragile part of us that is afraid of death. 

And all of this fear just keeps us from living  and trusting our planet, our bodies, and our inner knowing. 

It keeps us outsourcing our power (Scorpio) to be safe (Taurus) 

Instead of discovering the magick of Taurus which is to come back to the body, to know the earth is abundant and will provide for us, to cultivate the skills to feed and care for ourselves, and to understand that we deserve pleasure here on earth. 

What if this is the garden of Eden but human fear has turned into hell? 

Who does dooms day karma help? 

It has and always will only help those who stand to gain from the fear itself. In the past that was kings, overloads, dictators and beyond. That continues with the added bonus of corporations, the elite, and more. 

If you stay afraid - you are more likely to funnel your money into their system, work in their system, and feed them your energetic fear frequencies. 

This is why we have to clear the Doomsday Karma 

And we start TODAY. 

We can use this conjunction to tap back into the grounded knowing that we are cultivating more safety, security, and pleasure by coming home to ourselves. 

Stop outsourcing your power. 

You aren’t powerless. 

The world just wants you to believe you are. 

So how do we clear it? 

If you’re still reading this far, it’s likely because this is part of your karmic work here on earth.  

You’re likely here to play your roll in healing these outdated karmic loops. How can we move forward unless we do this powerful work? 

So here’s a few ways you can begin (and I’ll be doing them right there with you)

Shadow work for releasing Doomsday Karma:

Find your fear programs: Start by becoming a witness to the fear frequencies you’ve opted into without judgement. What karmic fear programs have you been working with in this lifetime? Money fears? Maybe you feel like there’s never enough. Maybe you feel like you’re never stable or you have to do it all on your own. Maybe you’ve felt like there is some big bad boogie man out there just waiting to pull the rug out from under you. Again, meet this without judgement - most of these fears are from past lives and a lot of them are in your cellular DNA from ancestors who were just doing their best. 

In order to do this shadow work start by writing them down and stating these are the codes you’ll be clearing - the programs you’re rewriting. 

Move it into your body: And then start doing some somatic work in your body. Where do you feel this fear in your body? Tune into that. And then begin to move through that part of your body. 

For example you may want to dance out fear in your legs, or shake out fear in your hips. You might want to twist out fear in the solar plexus or open and expand your heart if you’re finding yourself caving inward. 

Follow your gut. There’s no right or wrong way to move here. 

And as you do - sit with the intention of moving that energy and fear out of your body. Release those doomsday programs out of your physical body (Taurus) 

This is just one way you can release this karma out of your body. 

You might be called to try something else like energy work. I invite you to do just that. Follow what feels good - your body will respond best to what is intuitively being offered. 

And know that this work isn’t just for this conjunction. This work is an all the time thing. You can come back to these Doomsday programs and karmic loops as many times as needed to clear the old residue. 

If you want to change the world - it starts with YOU creating inner peace, knowing your values, finding safety within and moving out anything that is keeping you stuck. 

Lots of love, 


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VIKA BRADFORD - Karmic Astrologer, Teacher, Speaker, Writer

Vika Bradford is a Canadian astrologer, writer, spiritual teacher, energy healer and host of the It’s Karmic Podcast. Vika has been studying spiritual practices since 2012 and began teaching her philosophies and practices because of the powerful healing effect they had on her life. Through her 10+ years of study she began teaching Karmic astrology in 2020 to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by helping her students and clients discover their authentic selves through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. Vika began her journey of healing after many years of depression, suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety and many auto immune disorders.

The purpose of Vika’s work is to assist in her students and clients finding true liberation, living outside of the system, and shattering the norm around healing and being human. This is done through her powerful system of astrology, embodiment, and energy work to bring her clients back to homeostasis, authenticity, and their true selves through courses, certifications, mentorships, a monthly membership, certification and potent birth chart readings.


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