New Moon Gemini June 6th 2024

The Gemini New Moon falls at 16º on June 6th at 5:37 AM Pacific

It's been a busy week. I've got a my astro-bestie @AlignwithRenata visiting, and we're doing all the Gemini things. I barely had a moment to realize there was a New Moon coming this week and so I wasn't entirely paying attention to what energy we were working with as I was just living.

But let me tell you I was FEELING the energy. Last night as I went to sleep hours before the New Moon all my imposter syndrome flooded to the surface. I had recently done some photography creation with some people and honestly? I felt second-best AF during the connection. I personally felt I wasn't given the time, attention, or celebration that others were given. And last night it all hit me hard, I didn't feel like I was creative, smart, or special enough after this shoot (okay, a little bit of my Leo is showing here) But I'm going somewhere good with this... I went to bed sulking a bit. But when I woke up and looked at the energy of this New Moon Gemini it all made sense.

It was all my damn perception.

I don't know if the story I made up for this experience was actually real 😮‍💨 and I actually didn't feel like I had the creative information, data, or facts to thrive during this shoot. I felt like a damn imposter trying to fake it til I make it. (This moon is literally blowing up my chart)

Gemini is all about our perception, not necessarily the truth...

Gemini is the cosmic joker.

Gemini sees the polarity of all things. For every thing you see, there is an opposite.

Gemini is associated with the concept of polarity, representing the dual nature of our existence and the constant balancing act between opposing forces. This sign also governs communication and information, highlighting the importance of how we exchange ideas and connect with others.

When you experience one thing, you must also experience the opposite. For every "good moment" there is an equally "bad moment".

As Newton's Third Law of Motion, which states:

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction"

As the Kabalion states: "Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

This is the energy of Gemini.

For every story you tell yourself, for every story you think you know, there is information and data you are missing. This is why I've referred to Jupiter transiting Gemini as "the big story." ​(read that article here)​

When you are working with then energy of Gemini, you are working with the gathering phase where you gather all the facts, the data, and information before you form a belief system. (Which is formed in the realms of Sagittarius.) The New Moon Gemini is an invitation to look at this area of your life (the house Gemini rules in your chart) and anything being aspected to understand where you are being invited to plant seeds in new fertile ground after the Dark Moon phase you have just moved through.

Gemini/Mercury bring curiosity into life and ensure you gather all the information (often without discernment, as that's Virgos job) in order to ensure you've experienced all the polarities of life. This is the energy of your communication, your socialization, your perception, and your ability to experience all things.

On this New Moon Gemini you have the opportunity to... The energy of Gemini opens doors around:

  • Finding your voice

  • Clarifying and sharing your message

  • Speaking your truth

  • Choosing more consciously who you connect with, and where you commit your time

  • Shifting your perception

  • Writing a new story

  • Releasing any imposter syndrome

  • Trying new things

  • Bring more joy, play, and curiosity into life

And the biggest invitation of all... to realize you may not know all the details and to surrender to the fact that it's truly all a cosmic joke.

This new moon brings a heightened awareness of your mind, your communication, and your perception in regards to your worth, your relationships and your values. These can be the moments where imposter syndrome rears its ugly head to show you where you are still cultivating your confidence in "knowing enough".

One of the Karmic Wounds of Gemini is that of the intellect.

This is the energy of never feeling like you know enough. And when your worth and knowing is all tied up in other people - this sets the stage for the deep seeded feeling that you need "more information" to be worthy, to be special, accepted, or seen in your brilliance. With Saturn, the lord of Karma in Pisces, squaring the New Moon Gemini it might be bringing up alllll the wounds. Your big picture vision might feel like 'you'll never get there', or 'all your hard work isn't paying off'. This means you could have the mental stirrings of old stories around your worthiness being tied to external validation. You might be questioning "have I learned enough?" or "Am I knowledgeable enough yet" or "do they hear me?". and with Chiron in Aries aspecting the moon the wounds of self is heighten which can bring emotional discomfort, strife, and frustration. And with Lilith and the Nodes of Fate together forming a trine to this moon it shows that there is a fated opportunity for new path ways to release the old versions of yourself, release your reliance on others, and finally cultivate some boundaries. This moon is a potent moment to get extremely clear on what you're perceiving vs what is true. Remember, there are two sides to every story. We can get so stuck in our perceptions (Gemini) that we miss out on the truth (Sagittarius). And when this happens we create a ripple effect of more perceptions without ever getting all the facts.

This is the ultimate low octave of Gemini. So on this new moon you are being invited to get very clear on getting curious, seeing all sides of the story, and not getting stuck in the mental gymnastics.

My advice?

Watch your tongue. Words can cut as deep as knives. (This coming from a Gemini mars) It’ll be easy right now to say, think, and do things you don’t mean from your emotions. Or it’ll be easy to repress your emotions and bottle up your truth.

As always with the shadow work we do here… go inward and reflect. So here's what this New Moon Gemini taught me: I can either get stuck in my perception of the information I have been presented OR I can get curious about what this is teaching me.

The truth is we're never done learning and if we don't feel like our craft is fine tuned - that is the PERFECT moment to step into the energy of Gemini and get curious and learn something. So instead of getting bitter, I am getting curious. And I am going to go back into student mode when it comes to creation and modeling. A brand new chapter has begun. What will be your chapter?

How to locate this in your chart:

🧚‍♀️ Use the Free Guide to the Karma of the 12 Houses to check your chart for the house that rules Gemini to see where you are being activated

🧚‍♀️ Use the Free Guide to the Karma of the 12 Houses to see if you have any placements around 16° Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces being activated

And then:

🧚‍♀️ Set your intentions for the new journey you’ve begun, the new way you are seeing the world and how you are going to become more curious in knowing that you don't know everything

🧚‍♀️ Use lavender to soothe yourself as the mind can become busy and the nervous system can become over active during Gemini transits

Lots of love, Vika

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VIKA BRADFORD - Karmic Astrologer, Teacher, Speaker, Writer

Vika Bradford is a Canadian astrologer, writer, spiritual teacher, energy healer and host of the It’s Karmic Podcast. Vika has been studying spiritual practices since 2012 and began teaching her philosophies and practices because of the powerful healing effect they had on her life. Through her 10+ years of study she began teaching Karmic astrology in 2020 to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by helping her students and clients discover their authentic selves through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. Vika began her journey of healing after many years of depression, suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety and many auto immune disorders.

The purpose of Vika’s work is to assist in her students and clients finding true liberation, living outside of the system, and shattering the norm around healing and being human. This is done through her powerful system of astrology, embodiment, and energy work to bring her clients back to homeostasis, authenticity, and their true selves through courses, certifications, mentorships, a monthly membership, certification and potent birth chart readings.


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Jupiter Transiting Gemini Astrology of 2024-2025