The Hades Moon: Pluto Aspects the Moon

Is your Moon Aspected by Pluto?

This is one of the deepest mother wounds there is.

The Hades Moon is a term used in astrology to describe the placement of the Moon in the natal chart that is aspected by Pluto or in the sign of Scorpio or the 8th house. The Hades Moon is said to be a particularly intense placement that can signify deep-seated emotional issues, transformative experiences, and a tendency towards introspection and self-exploration. Most notable mentioned by astrologer Judy Hall, this is one of the core mother wounds as the karmic cleanser Pluto forms a deep conversation with the energy of nurturance, safety, subconscious tendencies and more in your chart.

In astrology, the Moon is associated with our emotions, inner self, and our unconscious. Pluto, on the other hand, is associated with transformation, rebirth, and the unconscious depths of the psyche. When these two energies are combined, it creates a potent combination that can lead to profound inner transformation and healing.

The Hades Moon placement in the birth chart can indicate a person who has a powerful emotional depth and intensity. This placement can bring up issues related to control, power, and manipulation, as well as deep-seated fears and desires. However, when channeled positively, the Hades Moon can lead to profound emotional healing and personal growth.

Hades Moon souls go deep as they emotions run deep under the surface, right into the underworld. The subconscious lives in the realms of the underworld and so they are consistently drawing up information from below to the surface. The conversations are deep. The looks are deep. The feels are deep.

This mother wound desires to release control, cut chords, ease fears and conquer past life traumas of deep links with the mother or mothering archetypes, your own relationship to mothering and nurturing, safety, attachment and being cared for in past lives. This could relate to the “smother” wound or devouring mother like that of Demeter and Persephone or the absent mother, the abandoning mother.

This is a true placement of shadow worker and healers.

This deeply karmic placement carried the wound of the matriarchy though you do not have to be female to have this placement, it has nothing to do with gender at all but it usually carried through the matriarchal line.

Fear carried through the womb generation after generation. The womb space passes on trauma, we know this from studies showing children experience the emotions of the mother within the womb and through energetics we see Root Chakra issues come to light as a child develops.

the Hades Moon child comes into this world feeling unsafe. The womb is an unsafe place to be and most hades moon children and mothers have traumatic births. Like a gripping or fighting not to incarnate again, not to feel pain again, not to experience this earth school again. The hades moon child clings to their mother if they can, but often is somehow cast out. The chord must be cut for better or for worse.

I believe sign sacred contracts with our soul people to come in and learn lessons through our lives. So the experience of the trauma bond with the mother, the grandmother, the child whether good or bad, deep or lost, is a sacred lesson you asked for if you have this placement (don’t worry, I did too)

One of the karmic implications of healing through the Hades Moon is the need to confront and release past traumas. This placement can signify a past life in which the individual experienced intense emotional pain or trauma, which they are now carrying into this lifetime. By working through these past issues, the individual can release negative karma and move towards a more positive future.

And this beautiful place of learning pain from a very young age helps your soul begin to work through whatever karmic pattern you chose to break in this life. Most souls who incarnate with this energy and are willing to see its truth are generational curse breakers doing the work of changing their karmic and ancestral patterns.

Often past incarnations of losing children, or passing during childbirth as well as being the child who chooses not to incarnate during childbirth are part of this signature and are cellularly remembered.

There is a relearning of finding safety in reincarnation through soul work, energy healing, and somatic healing.

This powerful placement is found through almost 90 percent of my clients (for good reason as I have it too, Leo Moon Square Scorpio Pluto) and it will help you understand the deepest most psychological aspects of your sacred magic. Look to see if you have any aspects between Pluto and your Moon in your chart. (Note if you have a Scorpio moon you also have the hades moon, if it aspects Pluto its double dose. If your moon is in the 8th house, same thing). The most intense versions of this moon will include the Moon conjunct Pluto, Square Pluto, or Opposing Pluto but don’t rule out Sextiles and Trines either. The Sextile or Trine Pluto may be more ready to work through the past wounding in this incarnation but if you have these placements there is still deep work to do.

What to look for:

A conjunction, square, opposition, trine or sextile from Pluto to your moon in your chart.

The conjunction will be the most intense, followed by the square and opposition.

But the trine and sextile will still feel the Hades Moon wound, but may feel more ready to integrate and heal in this life.

The Mother Wound:

The Hades Moon in astrology can have a powerful impact on the mother wound, which refers to the emotional wounds and traumas that arise from the relationship between a person and their mother.

Individuals with the Hades Moon placement may have experienced intense emotional dynamics with their mother, such as control, manipulation, or power struggles. They may have also experienced a deep sense of loss or abandonment, either through physical separation or emotional distance.

These dynamics can contribute to the development of the mother wound, which can manifest as feelings of rejection, inadequacy, or unworthiness. The mother wound can also impact relationships with other women, as well as the ability to trust and connect with others on an emotional level.

However, by working with the energies of the Hades Moon, individuals can begin to heal the mother wound and transform their relationship with their mother. This can involve exploring the karmic patterns and energies at play in the relationship, and uncovering the lessons and experiences that the soul has chosen to undertake in this lifetime.

Healing the Hades Moon:

Healing through the Hades Moon can also involve a deep exploration of the unconscious mind. This can involve techniques such as dream work, meditation, and therapy to uncover and release hidden emotional patterns and beliefs. Through this process of self-discovery, the individual can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world, leading to greater personal growth and fulfillment.

To begin the healing process, it is important to first understand the nature of the Hades Moon and how it manifests in your life. Take time to explore your birth chart and identify the specific aspects and placements that contribute to this energy.

Next, it is important to confront the traumas and emotional wounds that may be holding you back. This can be a difficult and painful process, but it is essential for healing. One way to do this is through therapy or counseling, where you can explore your emotions and past experiences in a safe and supportive environment.

Another powerful tool for healing through the Hades Moon is meditation and self-reflection. Take time each day to sit in quiet contemplation and explore your inner world. Journaling can also be a helpful way to process your emotions and gain clarity on your thoughts and feelings.

Finally, it is important to cultivate a sense of self-compassion and forgiveness. Remember that healing is a process, and it is okay to take things one step at a time. Be kind and patient with yourself, and allow yourself to feel and express your emotions without judgment.

The Hades Moon in astrology can signify a powerful potential for emotional transformation and healing. By confronting past traumas and delving deep into the unconscious mind, individuals with this placement can achieve profound personal growth and a greater sense of purpose in life. While this can be a challenging process, the rewards of healing through the Hades Moon can be immense, leading to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Things to note about having the hades moon in your chart:

  • there is a intense psychic chord between you and your mother or you and your children

  • you may have had a tough childhood, had to grow up to fast, and experienced some sort of abuse

  • you understand and are drawn to the underworld, death, and the occult

  • you are here to break a generational curse in your linage

  • you have sacred and psychic powers at your disposal

  • you speak through the underworld as your subconscious mind and past incarnations have been to hades and back.

  • you feel very deeply

  • you are likely very connected to your past lives

  • you seek control and have the ability to become obsessed when you’re passionate

  • you are not alone

Do you have the hades moon? Look to your chart to see if your moon and Pluto aspect, or if you have a Scorpio moon. Journal on the house placement and signs of your Moon and Pluto to understand where (house) and how (sign) you are learning to heal this wound.

One of my favourite Astrologers, who passed away recently leaving her legacy behind, Judy Hall has written one of the most in depth dive in astrology in her book the Hades Moon, and if you want to go to the absolute depths of this energy I highly suggest you grab a copy of her powerful book.

If you are interested in exploring the deeper aspects of your personality and unlocking the secrets of your soul's journey, then I urge you to download my free Karmic Astrology Healing Guide today.

This guide is designed to help you understand the karmic patterns and energies that are at play in your life, and how you can work with these energies to heal and transform. Whether you are struggling with emotional issues, relationship problems, or career challenges, this guide will provide you with the tools and insights you need to move forward with clarity and purpose.

By delving into the realm of karmic astrology, you can gain a deeper understanding of the lessons and experiences that your soul has chosen to undertake in this lifetime. You can uncover your soul's purpose, and gain insight into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

With this guide, you will learn how to identify the karmic patterns and energies that are influencing your life, and how to work with these energies to release negative karma and move towards a more positive future. You will discover powerful healing techniques that will help you to overcome past traumas and emotional wounds, and to embrace your true potential.

And the best part? This guide is completely free! That's right - there is no cost or obligation to download and explore this valuable resource.

So if you are ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, then I encourage you to download my free Karmic Astrology Healing Guide today. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain - so why wait? Start your journey towards a more fulfilling and joyful life today.

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