91. Astro Transit and Transformation: Embracing Change through Astrological Tides


In this episode of the It's Karmic Podcast

In this week’s podcast you’ll discover why transits aren’t the big bad wolf, how to fall in love with your transits, and how to work with your astrology for liberation.

What are transits in astrology?

Transits in astrology refer to the movement of celestial bodies (such as planets) as they travel through the zodiac and make aspects to points in an individual's birth chart. Essentially, transits indicate the current positions of planets in relation to the positions they occupied at the time of a person's birth.

These transiting planets can trigger various influences on different areas of your life, depending on the nature of the planet, the aspects it forms, and the houses it transits through in your birth chart.

We analyze transits to understand the current astrological climate and how it might affect your experiences, emotions, and events in your life. They can provide insights into periods of opportunity, challenge, growth, or change, allowing you to better navigate your life and make informed decisions.

I have a mission here on earth, and I feel like you're here with me and reading this, it's part of your mission to shift the way we look at things, ground our perspectives, and really cut through the bullshit. And one thing that really drives me absolutely batshit crazy is the way people give their power away in transits and to astrology.

I really began to find myself, but when I finally began to study astrology fully in 2019/2020. And when I really began to dig in transits, it was one of the things that I felt head over heels for because suddenly I didn't feel crazy anymore. Suddenly I understood that the universe wasn't out to get me. I was in radical transformational periods and my birth chart showed me why. 

What I realized was when we can look at our charts like that, suddenly you have a whole new frame of mind. You can become an observer. You can remove yourself from the intensity for a second.

That isn't to say that you will not have breakdowns, mental breakdowns during massive transits where you are literally decaying, changing, transforming, or you feel stuck in the mud or everything is foggy, like in a Neptune transit. But it is to say that during that experience and that process using your transits, you can step back. You can step back for a second and see that you are in co-creation with the universe.

Imagine if we were more conscious and really in tune with the language of the universe and we could use it more potently to move through these extremely intense moments in our life. If you listen to last week's episode on transformation and really the loss and disintegration itself, but also the rebirth periods that we are in when we're burning it all down, you'll start to resonate with a lot of what I'm saying right now. It'll start to connect the dots.

I wanted to talk about how we can empower ourselves and shift our lens around transits when we stop outsourcing our power to outside forces. So energetically metaphorically, whatever's out there, we have to stop giving our power away to it and understand that we are co-creators in sovereign connection with astrology, with the stars. We are the stars. We are the universe creating and having an experience of itself.

In this week’s podcast you’ll discover…

Why transits aren’t the big bad wolf

I want to invite you to stop believing that transits, the universe, or the cosmos are out to get you. It’s not the big bad wolf.

When you understand that these are tools and cosmic checkpoints in your life, helping you get into more alignment of who you truly are - things change. 

What a shift could happen inside of you if you believed you were working in co-creation with the universe.

What impactful and powerful shifts will happen inside of your transits? 

And every transit impacts everybody differently because everybody has a different chart.

Transits are not about fortune telling.

It is about really letting us have the tools around the themes that will occur in a certain cycle. So for instance, when we're looking at Pluto moving into Aquarius right now, we know the themes that are going to be occurring with Pluto and Aquarius is a transformational unearthing and healing around all things Aquarius. So our collective, our communities, our ways we're coming back together into connection, technology, all these things.

How to fall in love with your transits

I want you to realize the universe is conspiring to help you achieve all of your dreams.

And when you empower yourself through understanding that the transits in your chart, the transits that are happening in the sky right now, impacting your chart are not out to get you. 

You're not a victim. You are working with the cosmos in co-creation.

Yes. You're going to have shitty moments. Yes.

You're going to have loss. 

You're going to have heartbreak. 

You're going to have pain.

You're going to want to scream at the sky and say, “I don't understand why it has to be this way.”

You are going to lose your shit, cry breakdown, and then you're going to have amazing days and you're going to wonder why it's all working out for you. And you're going to be so excited and hope that life could just sustain this way, that things could continue this way, that it could be so beautiful forever.

How to work with your astrology for liberation

Everything I have said up to this point - this is why we study astrology. And if you're passionate about it, like I clearly am, you want to know this stuff come study with me inside of It’s Karmic 1 & 2. And if you aren't passionate about it, you hire an astrologer to help you understand your transits (get on the waitlist for when my books open here)

There are so many different ways of going about this.

And here’s the thing… You don't need to know your transits to move through life with ease. You don't need to know your transits to do the healing work that a Pluto transit or a Neptune transit or a Uranus transit is doing in your chart. It's just going to happen. But knowing it might bring you some deep, deep peace in understanding why your life feels like it's falling apart or why everything's changing or why you are so blindsided by a moment in your life.

We're not at the mercy of the cosmos. Your soul decided this, your soul chose these moments. And if that's the truth, which I truly believe it is, and you are welcome to disagree with me. 

If you do not like that statement, I know a lot of people do not like the idea that our souls choose extremely intense and horrible things to happen in this life. People hate it. And I just have to be the person that is okay with people hating what I say.

But if you are of the same mind as me, or something inside of you knows that those deep radical moments, even when they rip you apart, are part of your soul's evolution, it actually really empowers us because we suddenly realized that we're not at the mercy of the cosmos. It empowers you to know that you are working with your transits every day. And what if something inside of that moment, that loss, that grief, that shit sandwich, that was taking you to your next soul evolution space work?

What if it was guiding you?
What if it was clearing out the things you're too afraid to clear out?

What if without that loss, what if without that painful moment, you couldn't do the work you're supposed to do, the thing that's coming next?

And I know that's hard to sit with. And I know it's gritty, but is there some power inside of there? And like I said, you might not like what I said there. And that’s entirely okay.

That’s what these conversations are for honestly. To get uncomfortable in order to grow and change.

If this is resonating then make sure you go and listen to the full Episode Astro Transit and Transformation: Embracing Change through Astrological Tides to start empowering yourself with the Cosmic Tides today. 

Want to learn more? Get on the Waitlist to become a Karmic Astrology student!

Level 2 Karmic Astrology Certification

Level 1 Karmic Astrology Certification

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VIKA BRADFORD - Karmic Astrologer, Teacher, Speaker, Writer

Vika Bradford is a Canadian astrologer, writer, spiritual teacher, energy healer and host of the It’s Karmic Podcast. Vika has been studying spiritual practices since 2012 and began teaching her philosophies and practices because of the powerful healing effect they had on her life. Through her 10+ years of study she began teaching Karmic astrology in 2020 to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by helping her students and clients discover their authentic selves through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. Vika began her journey of healing after many years of depression, suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety and many auto immune disorders.

The purpose of Vika’s work is to assist in her students and clients finding true liberation, living outside of the system, and shattering the norm around healing and being human. This is done through her powerful system of astrology, embodiment, and energy work to bring her clients back to homeostasis, authenticity, and their true selves through courses, certifications, mentorships, a monthly membership, certification and potent birth chart readings.


92. Astrological Practices for Embodiment and Growth with Kelsey Beesley


90. Embracing Change: Personal Transformation Through Death and Rebirth