81. The Path Less Traveled: Hekate's Influence on Life's Choices In Your Birth Chart


In this episode of the It's Karmic Podcast

In our final episode in this series we're going to talk about the Dark Feminine Goddess Hekate (one of my absolutely faves) and how she offers a light into the areas of your life where you will meet crossroads and be invited to make a choice - will you stay or will you grow? Will you expand, or will you shrink? The choice is up to you.

Do you feel deeply connected to the Goddess Hekate?

All my life I have been deeply entrenched in uncover the shadows and diving into the spaces where the only light within them was my inner light guiding me. Can you relate? Hekate’s guidance was always there. In the crossroads I always met within the realm of my creation, my ability to shine my light, my visibility and growth as well as the teachings I would inevitably be called to continue carrying the traditional of Karmic Astrology through the world.

Maybe there is a crone within you… a part of you that exists within the ending cycles of life, called inward to use your wisdom for healing and liberation.

Maybe you are being ushered through a crone phase, or winter, within your life right now where many ending cycles and timelines are collapsing around you.

In this space you can begin to access and understand your Hekate Placement.

The Hekate asteroid, also known as Asteroid 100, is named after the ancient Greek goddess Hekate, who is associated with magic, witchcraft, crossroads, and the liminal spaces between worlds. In astrology, the Hekate asteroid represents themes related to intuition, mysticism, transformation, and the exploration of hidden realms as well as where your hidden magick is stored, the shadows you must meet, and the cross roads you will face.

Today we get to go into a whole new conversation on one of my ultimate favourite goddesses who is not talked about enough, outside of the Wiccan and witchcraft world. And that is the goddess Hekate.

What I want you to understand is, every energy we've talked about so far, is a complex being inside of the chart, it's a complex being inside of the sky, it's a complex archetypal expression, that may or may not be very important to your journey here on Earth, some of them are going to feel very resonant, and you're going to be just absolutely obsessed with it. And some of them are not. And that's okay, because our charts are designed the way they're designed in order to expand our consciousness for certain lessons here on Earth.

Okay, each week of this series, I'm just touching the surface. And when you come into Its Karmic: Past Life Astrology Certification Level 1, and study with me, you're going to be able to see all the arms of study that come through these frequencies, these archetypes, these goddesses, and you're going to be able to use them, you know, looking at charts, looking at your own charts, the application of them.

The Hekate asteroid, also known as Asteroid 100, is named after the ancient Greek goddess Hekate, who is associated with magic, witchcraft, crossroads, and the liminal spaces between worlds. In astrology, the Hekate asteroid represents themes related to intuition, mysticism, transformation, and the exploration of hidden realms.

In this episode you’ll discover:

1. Hekate shows you where you’ll meet crossroads in your life

Sometimes the paths we walk are labeled, sometimes they are not. Sometimes you're driving in the middle of nowhere, your map has gone down, your phone has died. And you're kind of making a choice, which way do I turn which way is leading me to where I want to go? And often if you're on a journey, you have a destination. But in life, sometimes we kind of have a destination set in our mind that we think we want but we actually don't know how we're getting there. We don't really have a logical destination in our minds. Sometimes we do. But this is an area of crossroads that we can work with Hekate, and in your chart she is going to show you the crossroads that you're going to continue to meet in life or possibly like the biggest crossroad you're going to experience to help you align to your highest destiny.

2. There is always a choice, the high path or the low.

In life you’re always going to be presented with the choice to rise above and grow, or take the low road and stay stagnant. When we find this crossroads, or where we find this crossroads in our chart, is somewhere that you'll always be invited to grow and shift. And you'll always have the universe ask “which way would you like to go? Would you like to fall back into the repeated patterns and the way you've been living? And are you comfortable? And are you good?” Because it's okay, if you are, it is okay. Sometimes you think “I want to stay exactly as I am. I actually am really enjoying this path. I'm comfortable, I'm safe, I'm good.” But if there's a part of you that's thinking “no, I do not want to stay here I do not want to live here I need to grow, I need to expand and need to shift. I need to radically go into my depths in order to find myself in my lessons here on Earth.”  Hekate is going to light that torch and guide you.

Looking at Hekate in your chart can show you where you are offered these crossroads.

It'll offer you a glimpse into why you might choose fear and how you can start choosing expansion, or trust or faith or excitement or shadow work, whatever it is that you need to call on. It's gonna be really dependent on the sign and like I said, I teach this inside of It's Karmic: Past Life Astrology Certification I am going teach you her energy signature and how we can work with her on a deeper level.

3. These crossroads are always guiding you back to your destiny

You always have free will. You always have the choice to walk the path of your choosing. And with Hekate she will show you these pathways, and you will always have to make the choice to become your highest self (simply put - the version of yourself you know you CAN be, but you might be afraid to be) or you can continue to walk as you are now. There’s no wrong choice, but one always leads to you serving your purpose here on earth. Often one path always leads you back into repeated cycles, bad habits, and old ways of being that are not serving you at all.

Which will you choose? And what does your Hekate placement offer you to show you where you’ve been avoiding the true path you incarnated to walk.

I ask you to meet this without shame, because we’re all simply evolving and finding our own personal higher truths each day. 

So the question is what will you do will all the breakthroughs you have had over the last 6 weeks?

In our final episode in this series we're going to talk about the Dark Feminine Goddess Hekate (one of my absolutely faves) and how she offers a light into the areas of your life where you will meet crossroads and be invited to make a choice - will you stay or will you grow? Will you expand, or will you shrink? The choice is up to you.

We’re in the final episode of this series on reclaiming your power through the chart this week. From your comments and your connections on what you're learning through the last six or so weeks, I'm seeing that you're having the breakthroughs, you're having the aha moments, you're having the connection back to yourself and everything you know, you've been looking for a lot of you are telling me you're finding it through this series. So I'm so happy that you guys are connecting some dots and that you are making little pieces of yourself make sense.

In this episode you'll find the missing link to the paths that are constantly being offered to you - whether you've noticed or not. And I promise after this episode, you'll start to notice.

Want to go deeper? Check out the other episodes in this series👇

Rising into Power: Harnessing Persephone in Your Chart

Ceres' Wisdom: Clearing Paths to Your True Purpose

Lessons in Rejection: Lilith in Your Birth Chart

Unlocking Purpose through Ancestral Karma in your Birth Chart

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I deeply believe that knowledge should be accessible to all who seek it, and that’s why I share my insights, teachings, and guidance as freely as possible. If my work has touched your heart, offered clarity, or helped you on your path, I invite you to consider offering an energy exchange in return so that I may keep doing this work for you.

Want to Unlock Your Karmic Codes through your Birth Chart? Get your Free Guide 👇

VIKA BRADFORD - Karmic Astrologer, Teacher, Speaker, Writer

Vika Bradford is a Canadian astrologer, writer, spiritual teacher, energy healer and host of the It’s Karmic Podcast. Vika has been studying spiritual practices since 2012 and began teaching her philosophies and practices because of the powerful healing effect they had on her life. Through her 10+ years of study she began teaching Karmic astrology in 2020 to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by helping her students and clients discover their authentic selves through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. Vika began her journey of healing after many years of depression, suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety and many auto immune disorders.

The purpose of Vika’s work is to assist in her students and clients finding true liberation, living outside of the system, and shattering the norm around healing and being human. This is done through her powerful system of astrology, embodiment, and energy work to bring her clients back to homeostasis, authenticity, and their true selves through courses, certifications, mentorships, a monthly membership, certification and potent birth chart readings.


87. Navigating Major Transits in 2024 for Growth


80. Rising into Power: Harnessing Persephone in your Chart