100. The Sacred Pause: Creating Space for the Creative Spark
In this episode of the It's Karmic Podcast…
In this week's episode you’ll discover the power of a sacred pause & when to know when you need to take one, how your sacred pause makes space for your next creation, how to take your hands off the wheel of life, and where you’re overdoing it and where to release control.
I’m putting the It’s Karmic Podcast on hold for the summer & this is why…
I needed a sacred pause.
If you’re familiar with being a manifester in human design, or if you simply experience strong urges that prompt you to make significant changes in your life, you'll understand my recent decision. I’m putting the podcast on hold for the summer. For some, this might seem crazy, but I had an overwhelming urge to shift gears and create more space in my life. Despite having many plans for the podcast, this urge was too strong to ignore.
This decision wasn't made lightly and is deeply entangled with my "why." When contemplating this sacred pause, I realized several factors were at play. Firstly, I just finished launching "It's Karmic 2" and am now preparing to hold space for the upcoming ancestral astrology portal. I also wanted to make room for personal projects this summer, one of which is writing my book. Though I can't guarantee the book will be completed by the summer's end, I need space to focus on it.
Over the past six months, many things have shifted in the "It's Karmic" world and my world as the human being you recognize as Vika, including how I create and share my teachings. I aim to make astrology more accessible to you by creating pre-recorded content that you can learn at your own pace. I also want to create larger containers for deeper dives into not just studying astrology but also healing our karmic wounds and remembering our true selves.
But to do all of this means that I need time… Time to let the creative spark turn into a flame within a sacred pause.
Taking this pause feels right for the first time in a long while. It's not an end but a temporary halt. In the past, I would have felt guilty or like I was letting you down by taking a break. However, I've learned that constantly pushing myself can stifle creativity. Instead of rushing towards a goal, I'm learning to take my hands off the wheel and allow things to flow naturally.
What is a sacred pause?
Think for a moment of the breath. We breathe in, and for one second we pause to experience the wait for the next exhale. We exhale and release and once again wait for a moment to receive the next inhale. Several of my readers compared the full moon to this when I spoke recently reminding you that Full Moons are indeed NOT for release. They are the pause.
The Sacred Pause is like taking your hands off the wheel to let yourself come back to homeostasis. I've actually found through my recent experiences and inner work I've been doing that the more I am creating and pushing, I'm actually doing the opposite of what I want to do, which is to create. I'm actually stifling my creations. Because there's like a finish line or a goalpost, or I think that I need to perform. I realize now the way I used to create so much content, I was in like some race with myself. A race to be seen, a race for everyone to see this important work. And I think that's the base of why I feel this need inside my soul to push so hard is because I have something very important to do here. I have something very important to do here on earth. And if you feel like you have something very important to do here on earth and you push and you push and you push, because if you let go, then it won't happen. Or you're afraid that releasing that control means you won't be able to share what you need to share or create what you need to create. If you stop hustling you won't be able to make the impact you desire in the world.
Or is that just me?
If you feel an epic sense of duty, like I do, I just want to remind you of these sacred lessons that I've been learning recently in that the harder I push, the less space I actually have to create what needs to come through. And the more I take my hands off the wheel, the more I just lean back and release, the more it just flows. And the more my message is heard, and that might not look like me having a million Instagram followers or me being seen on the cover of whatever magazine. But I know that the more I'm taking my hands off the wheel, the more my message is being heard because I'm not in this energy of desperation. I'm not in this energy of chasing something. I'm so tired of chasing.
Many of us feel an epic sense of duty and push ourselves hard to achieve our goals. However, I've realized that the harder I push, the less space I have for true creativity. By letting go and releasing control, I create space for my message to flow naturally, without the desperation and exhaustion of constant chasing.
I'm tired of chasing things that don't serve me, and I'm ready for more ease in my life. This ease comes from being deeply aligned with my inner urges and creative sparks. Reflecting on past experiences, I've found that the more I trust these intuitive hits, the better things flow. Whether it's creating "It's Karmic" programs or deciding to take the summer off, trusting these urges has always led to positive outcomes.
The Lessons of Shadow Work
Every time I follow an intuitive hit, I encounter deep shadow work. Launching programs and creating new content brings up old wounds and challenges, but facing these shadows head-on leads to profound growth. Meeting my shadows, understanding them, and allowing them to transform has been a crucial part of my journey.
Life is a continuous cycle of death and rebirth. Embracing this cycle means listening to what life asks of us, whether it's waiting patiently or taking bold actions. Sometimes, the universe asks us to wait, as it did for me when I longed to move to British Columbia years ago. Waiting can be frustrating, but it's often necessary for growth and alignment.
This also means there will never be a perfect time for anything. Waiting for the right moment can keep us stuck forever. Instead, it's about finding the balance between waiting for intuitive hits and taking action even when the timing isn't perfect. Trusting the process and taking risks when necessary is essential for growth and fulfillment.
Taking a Sacred Pause means taking a step back
Taking a sacred pause allows us to listen more deeply to ourselves and the universe. By stepping back from the noise and chaos of everyday life, we create space for new ideas and inspirations to emerge. Whether it's a long break like my summer hiatus or a short pause, these moments of stillness are crucial for creativity and alignment.
To help you embrace your own sacred pause, try this meditation exercise. Close your eyes and imagine the noise and chaos around you as static on an old TV. Focus on pulling that static into a single focal point in your mind. Breathe deeply and center yourself. This practice helps you tune out external distractions and connect with your inner creative spark.
My suggestion? Stop. Stop for a minute. Slow down.
Pay attention…
What are you being shown?
For some of us, we're being shown that the way we've made our life work isn't working. It isn't in alignment anymore, or maybe it never was what you have built. You've built on sand and it cannot sustain. Sometimes that's the lesson. Sometimes the lesson is you built a foundation, but you're not there yet. And that's okay.
Keep waiting. I've mentioned the gathering phase to you guys several times, and I will keep talking about it forever because there is a sacred place in our life where we are gathering all our tools before we feel the click. But sometimes we're waiting so hard for the click that we don't even realize it's already happened.
So we're like chasing it, chasing the moment when things click. We ask “when is it all going to make sense? When am I going to have all the tools? When am I going to have everything I need to either, you know, start my business or make money in my business or have kids?”
You might not be there yet. And you might also be holding yourself back with fear. Both can be true.
You might need to take your time to get there. And it's also this invitation to allow yourself to be still for a second. And in all of these moments, as we're making space for that creative spark to come back in shift change, we're going to have to change the way we behave. If you are not enjoying something in your life, if something is really not working in your reality, take a second, sacred pause, because your creative spark cannot come in when you are in that energy, when you are in the hustle, when you are in the grind, you are not able to receive the divine spark. And so we want to take these sacred pause moments, sacred pauses to receive and make space so that the next thing that wants to be birthed through you can be birthed through you.
You need space when you're not chasing all these other things.
What is the universe (aka your higher self) trying to show you?
Slow down.
Take a pause.
Let the creative spark come in.
So this is my final podcast for a while, but don’t worry I’ll be back.
As I take this summer to rest and create space for new inspirations, I encourage you to find your own moments of sacred pause. Whether it's a long break or short pauses throughout your day, these moments are vital for your well-being and creative flow. I'm grateful for your support and understanding as I take this time for myself, and I look forward to returning with renewed energy and fresh insights.
Thank you for being part of this journey. Your commitment to listening and engaging with my content means the world to me. Let's embrace the sacred pause together and create space for the magic of new beginnings.
Lots of love,
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I deeply believe that knowledge should be accessible to all who seek it, and that’s why I share my insights, teachings, and guidance as freely as possible. If my work has touched your heart, offered clarity, or helped you on your path, I invite you to consider offering an energy exchange in return so that I may keep doing this work for you.