Navigating Collective Powerlessness - Hekate opposing Chiron, 2024

The hermetic statement "as above, so below. As within, so without" is always a reminder to say that the language of the universe is always moving through you - and when you feel lost, powerless, or like you're deeply struggling you can use the tools of the divine in order to understand what is happening inwardly and collectively.

The world just experienced a very intense, transitionary moment.

To some it will feel like the shining beacon of hope they've been waiting for.

For others it will feel like the tower, the devil, the ultimate fall into everything they have fought against for so long.

My first reminder is - two things can be true at once.

My second is when we "fight" we ultimately bring more of what we DO NOT desire.

When you are empowered, sovereign, and unshakeable - you will be shown more of that in return even in deep moments of powerlessness.

Right now in the sky we have the asteroid Hekate in Libra moving closer and closer in opposition to the wounded healer Chiron in Aries. The exact opposition falls on November 16, 2024.

The energy of Chiron in Aries is nothing new to us as a collective. We have been working with this energy since 2018/2019.

Chiron in Aries has been unearthing a loss of identity, issues around the physical body, your inner warrior & the collective ability to take action and go after desires.

Chiron in Aries at its lowest octave can feel like a deep sense of wounding within the collective *and your* ability to go after what you want, initiate changes in your life, and finally take action.

But it can also feel like emotional rage flare ups, inflammation, internal rage and fire, and bulldozing others.

If you've ever met an Aries out of alignment - you'll know. When the ego is challenged, you'll get the horns.

But in the reminder of the Goddess Kali, when we remove the head (the ego) we become more in tune with the collective consciousness. (And I'm not no way saying the ego is bad, the ego is in fact needed.)

Maybe this is why Aries is associated with inner heat, headaches, migraines, inflammation, and issues in this area. Literally the wounded and unhealed Aries is the hot head unable to check their ego.

Sound familiar?

The Asteroid Hekate at this time has been moving through Libra and helping to illuminate the shadows around the collective energy of relationships, collaboration, peace, harmony, and justice.

When Hekate speaks, she speaks at moments where this is a fork both in your life and in the collective.

We've been working with that crossroads for a while as she has moved through the energy of fusing with the South Node, Lilith, and the Libra Eclipse earlier this fall.

What shadows have been illuminated around the worlds inability to recognizing that we are in co-creation with one another?

Where have we fallen into believing that we are separate, solo, independent individuals who do not impact one another?

And yet where have we become so deeply lost in the word balance and justice that we've completely lost our ability to be sovereign beings?

It's a balance that is constantly in an attempt to find itself steady.

But with all things, we push from one side to another.

Hekate illuminates the areas where we have hidden magick.

As a collective right now we are being ushered into understand that we're more powerful when we work together.

We are more powerful when we look to understand each other.

And to do that - we must look within, know ourselves, discover our the inner driving force that makes us do what we do.

But we cannot get stuck in the ME. Selfishly blazing forward forgetting the other. (Aries)

And we cannot get stuck in the WE. Weakening our boundaries and allowing all manner of violations to happen. (Libra)

We must land somewhere in the middle.

To heal the wound we must dig deep into the shadows with the illumination of Hekate's torch light, and pick a path.

You always have a choice.

  1. Spiral down into the lower path

  2. Stay exactly as you are

  3. Or, learn and grow

Which will you choose?


As a BONUS inside of The Hekate Masterclass, I'll be helping you locate where Hekate is in your chart now and in the future to understand what her medicine is for you right now.

Your chart holds specific keys to understanding your hidden magic and the critical crossroads you may face many times in life.

You will uncover the potent potential and power within your Hekate Asteroid by unlocking the key to your particular area of crossroads, and hidden magick in your chart through this placement.

Through your Hekate

  • Sign: Aries through Pisces, revealing the unique flavour of your intuition and hidden power.

  • House: 1st through 12th, showing where you face crossroads and must harness Hekate’s energy to make impactful decisions.

You will leave feeling more empowered and courageous to walk the path forward, make the hard decisions and embody your sacred magick.

Join me in this sacred journey and reclaim your inner magic at the crossroads of your life.

VIKA BRADFORD - Karmic Astrologer, Teacher, Speaker, Writer

Vika Bradford is a Canadian astrologer, writer, spiritual teacher, energy healer and host of the It’s Karmic Podcast. Vika has been studying spiritual practices since 2012 and began teaching her philosophies and practices because of the powerful healing effect they had on her life. Through her 10+ years of study she began teaching Karmic astrology in 2020 to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by helping her students and clients discover their authentic selves through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. Vika began her journey of healing after many years of depression, suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety and many auto immune disorders.

The purpose of Vika’s work is to assist in her students and clients finding true liberation, living outside of the system, and shattering the norm around healing and being human. This is done through her powerful system of astrology, embodiment, and energy work to bring her clients back to homeostasis, authenticity, and their true selves through courses, certifications, mentorships, a monthly membership, certification and potent birth chart readings.


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