How to Use Tarot Cards to Read Your Chakras

Every single day I use my tarot cards to tap into my energy signature and prompt questions about what I need to work through, how I am looking to expand, and where I can grow more.

Can you relate?

I remember I found this powerful practice of using my tarot cards to tap into my chakras back in 2014 and it radically changed the way I work with my energy.

A powerful and rather easy way to understand and process what is needing balance within your energetic body is to turn to your tarot/oracle deck and simply ask. This spread is simple to understand, and powerful practice to find guidance within your chakra system. Often, we know that something feels out of whack, but there can be that added layer of what - that leaves us feeling unable to find the balance we seek. 

All you’ll need is a tarot or oracle deck and your intention. I used to use the hermetic tarot deck personally, but I also love many oracle decks. It does not matter what you use, honestly.

Begin by shuffling your deck with the intention of reading your chakras in mind. Announce to your guides, source, whomever - that you intend to understand your energetic body through the cards for your highest and greatest good. When you feel ready you can either begin to pull from your solid deck, or split it into three piles. Trust your intuition always! Begin to pull your cards in the way I’ve described on the next page, from Root Chakra to Crown. You can also shuffle between each chakra if that feels more aligned for you. Trust your process, it will always be what’s for your highest good.

“All you’ll need is a tarot or oracle card deck and your intention.”

Card #1 Root Chakra: [Foundation, Support System, Where you need grounding.]

This card reveals where you are seeking balance regarding your foundation. Your Root Chakra, when in balance, helps you feel grounded, safe, and secure.

This card reveals what areas of your life may be needing a better root system so that you may feel more supported in your physical body. Rebuild systems so that you may feel supported and free. It may also reveal areas where you have felt too grounded, unable to move, lethargic, or afraid. Use this guidance to find grounding. 

Card #2 Sacral Chakra: [Emotions, Sexuality/Sensuality, Joy, Pleasure, and Play.] 

This card reveals where your emotions, sexuality, and ability to enjoy sensual pleasure may be out of balance. The Sacral Chakra is the bringer of physical joy in love, and when out of balance you may experience the inability to truly enjoy life.

This card will reveal where you need to find more flow and play in your life, and on the flip side, where you may be over-indulging and giving away your energy. Your emotions will always move in waves, as you are human, but the waves can be brought into balance through what this card reveals. 

Card #3 Solar Plexus: [Will Power, Control, Work, Confidence]

This card reveals where you need to find balance around your will power, control, and confidence. It can also reveal what is going on in your work life. The Solar Plexus Chakra is the inner fire and containment of inspired action, and when out of balance there may be an inability to move forward or on the flip side a desire to bulldoze through people and places to get what you want.

Use this card to help you find guidance around where you have given your inner fire away, or where you have been using it too much, like a wildfire. This card will reveal where you can find confidence and release control to find a state of flow.

Card #4 Heart Chakra: [Relationships, Love/Self-Love, Forgiveness]

This card reveals where you need to find balance around relationships, love, and forgiveness. The heart chakra brings the focus from the self into the collective, and guides you to live from a state of love. Use this card to find guidance around your boundaries, the ability to love and tolerate others, and where your relationships need support. 

Card #5 Throat Chakra: [Communication, Authentic Self, Creativity.]

This card reveals where you are seeking balance around your authentic voice, saying what you truly mean, and standing up for yourself. The throat chakra governs our ability to use our voice to communicate what we need and desire. It also governs our ability to listen and truly hear what others have to say.

This card will reveal where you have been hiding your magic, and holding back from expressing your authentic self.

While on the flip side it may reveal how you are not truly listening and seeing all sides. This card can also reveal where you need to find a creative practice to express your energy. Remember, we speak to create. 

Card #6 Third Eye Chakra: [Intuition, Future Vision, Clarity, Ancestors, Spirit Guides] 

This card reveals where you are seeking balance regarding your intuition and looking to gain crystal clear clarity. It’s all about your ability to connect within and feel without. The third eye is the seat of your intuition, and when in balance will guide you on the smoothest course forward.

This card will guide you to where you may need balance to create more clarity in your life, it may reveal what has been blocking your cosmic view, and can pull the curtains back on whether you’ve been living too much outside your body.

This card may guide you to ground into the 3D to see the 5D or vice versa. 

Card #7 Crown Chakra: [Connection to Source, Higher Consciousness, Your Divine Self]

This card reveals where you are needing balance regarding your connection to the higher realms. The crown chakra is all about our divinity, and in that, it helps reveal how our connection to source is going. This card, similar to the third eye, may reveal that you have lost your connection to the higher consciousness or that you have been living too out of your body, and need to ground back into the physical world.

Allow this card to reveal where you are seeking a deeper connection with your divinity, ancestors, and spirit guides. 

New to the Chakras & Astrology? Discover your Cosmic Blueprint with this FREE guide 👇


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I deeply believe that knowledge should be accessible to all who seek it, and that’s why I share my insights, teachings, and guidance as freely as possible. If my work has touched your heart, offered clarity, or helped you on your path, I invite you to consider offering an energy exchange in return so that I may keep doing this work for you.

VIKA BRADFORD - Karmic Astrologer, Teacher, Speaker, Writer

Vika Bradford is a Canadian astrologer, writer, spiritual teacher, energy healer and host of the It’s Karmic Podcast. Vika has been studying spiritual practices since 2012 and began teaching her philosophies and practices because of the powerful healing effect they had on her life. Through her 10+ years of study she began teaching Karmic astrology in 2020 to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by helping her students and clients discover their authentic selves through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. Vika began her journey of healing after many years of depression, suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety and many auto immune disorders.

The purpose of Vika’s work is to assist in her students and clients finding true liberation, living outside of the system, and shattering the norm around healing and being human. This is done through her powerful system of astrology, embodiment, and energy work to bring her clients back to homeostasis, authenticity, and their true selves through courses, certifications, mentorships, a monthly membership, certification and potent birth chart readings.


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