Pisces North Node x Virgo South Node

What are the Nodes of fate?

The Nodes of Fate work with the eclipse axis, meaning that the Solar and Lunar eclipses the collective will work with the Nodes of Fate through a certain period of time (approximately 18 months, give or take eclipses on either side.) In Western Astrology the Nodes of Fate are connected to the collective karma, as well as the personal evolution of the Soul through many lifetimes. Collectively we see the Nodes of Fate play out as a stage with the themes and backdrops changing while we as a global community work through old ways of being and birthing a new collective evolution together, the Collective Karmic lessons. Personally we see the Nodes of Fate play out within each of our lives through your own personal Nodes of Fate in your chart, as well as where the Nodes are moving in transit through your chart. The latter is what we’ll be discussing here, the Nodes of Fate in transit currently as the North Node moves through Pisces and the South Node moves through Virgo.

The Nodes of fate are not physical cosmic bodies but instead they are mathematical calculations based on the intersection of the Moon's orbit and the ecliptic. The Moon moves into the northern ecliptic hemisphere (Ascending/North Node) and where the Moon enters the southern ecliptic (Descending/South Node). But don’t worry, you don’t need to remember any of that to work with the Nodes of fate as they change in the sky, and within your own chart. 

The North Node (or Rahu in Vedic Astrology)

The North Node represents where we are going. You can think of this through the Vedic teaching of the Nodes being a serpent, with the North Node being the head of the serpent and the South Node being the tail. The head (north node) is where we as a collective and personally are moving toward, and the tail (south node) is what we/you are leaving behind. The North Node brings the future karma we are creating into full focus as it moves through each of the zodiac signs. Like the opening portals of Solar Eclipses the North Node ushers in opening door ways, fated changes into the new beginnings, opportunities, and radical shifts within the energy. Though mostly considered positive, the North Node can also be an area of over consumption when it is in a certain sign.

The South Node (or Ketu in Vedic Astrology)

Some teachings will tell us that the South Node must be left behind completely but I’m going to offer you an altered view of that teaching as we work with the deep healing karma of the Nodes. The South Node contains many areas of deep karmic comfort zones, habits, and areas where energy “leaks” (literally in medical astrology) but it also contains deep mastery from previous incarnations. Though the South Node will hold many low octaves that must be released and shed like the skin of a snake there will also be deep wisdom and knowledge within the energy of the South Node that can be harnessed to enhance and empower the North Node. Like all things, you will experience the duality of the high and low octaves of the South Node.

Keep in mind that the energy of the Nodes always work in polarity, meaning they will always be in opposite signs. One sign cannot exist without the other, as opposite signs contain the polarity of that energy on both sides. The North Node needs the South Node and vice versa.

Every 18 months there is an area of your chart that you are experiencing a karmic and fated realignment in your life as the Nodes shift signs.”

What happens when they change signs collectively? 

Every 18 months there is an area of the collective that is experiencing a karmic and fated realignment, for better or worse. What I have noticed over the years has been that as a collective we are always experiencing the polarity of the signs. Depending on the level of consciousness, some parts of humanity radically shift into the high octave of the North Node and release and shed the low octaves of the South node, we also see the over consumption of the North Node and live deeply in the shadow of the South Node. Take the North Node in Aries transit we just moved through where war became a central focus (holy wars, with Saturn in Pisces), and the sense of injustice (Libra) became a battle cry as people fought (Aries) injustice (Libra). What I witnessed over the last 18 months were people creating an even deeper divide through their desire for justice, equality, and peace. As we know from the laws of the universe, when we focus on one thing we get more of it. When we focus on injustice, we see more injustice. When we focus on “fighting” war, we get more war. 

What happens when they change signs personally?

Every 18 months there is an area of your chart that you are experiencing a karmic and fated realignment in your life as the Nodes shift signs. This means two houses in your chart are being activated by the Nodes through the two signs ruling those houses. Of course this gets more complex when we start bringing in placements and aspects and eclipses (This is why working with a knowledgeable astrologer is so important and impactful, you can get on my waitlist here.)

When working with the Nodes of Fate and Eclipses the changes will happen with or without your assistance, but here lies the opportunity to ride the Cosmic Tides and work with the cosmos to become more aware of where and how you are being asked to alter your course to be in more alignment with your soul's purpose. Without a doubt these areas of your life will change through the 18 month ride. But for some these nodal shifts will be even more impactful, especially for people who have placements in the Nodal Signs, Modality, and especially if any of those planets or placements are getting hit by any of the eclipses.)

One look at the Virgo South Node

The South Node Virgo

The sign of Virgo contains a multitude of things it rules (seriously, if you’re in doubt just google what each sign rules and be careful while your mind explodes.) As a Virgo stellium I’ve been sitting deeply with this Nodal shift for months, preparing for it to move through my 12th house. Many things have come to mind as I prepare myself, and I’ve thought of 100 things I could share with you to prepare you. Some of the most potent focuses of the energy I wanted to offer to you today were that of deep Self Mastery, Physical Service, Precision, Skill building, Guidance and Organization.

Virgo rules an area in each of our lives where we are mastering something, often in the physical and with our hands, the crafts we do, and these are usually in the practice of deep service. This is the part of life where one becomes “helpful” as a child, and the part of your chart where you will naturally have these tendencies. Virgo is about becoming proficient and skillful at something. This is the sign of refining and perfecting something. 

For example, a Virgo 9th house might be focused on perfecting their skills around higher education, philosophy, and refining their belief systems. They might seek mentorship to become proficient and skilled around the area of knowledge.

While the South Node moves through the sign of Virgo these themes will be a heightened focus both personally and collectively. There will be areas of this energy where you will have to release, purge, and shed the low octaves of this energy and areas where you will be invited to translate your mastery into a divine purpose.

Here’s the thing…

All the things you’ve mastered in one area of your life are meant to be funneled into your divine service. The physical service and mastery must have a purpose that is bigger than the mundane. This is where the Virgo energy meets its opposition in Pisces.

How can what you have been mastering become something to serve the collective? And how is the collective unconscious asking you to use your mastery?

If we think of the Collective Unconscious like Carl Jung, he believed it to be a universal, shared layer of the unconscious mind, distinct from the personal unconscious, and containing inherited memories, symbols, and archetypes common to all humans. This means that we are unconsciously all tapped into the same cosmic grid (call it Source, the Divine, God) and picking up on the signs and symbols of the times. In astrology a lot of this energy can be connected to Pisces, or the 12th House, and maybe even Neptune - these are just some of the divine channels. 

The Shadow of the South Node Virgo

At this time you will inevitably meet the shadow of Virgo in the form of outdated forms of perfectionism, OCD, criticality, and the intense desire to “fix” everyone and everything around you. Yet you will also be meeting the part of you that contains the strength, knowledge, and mastery around something very important that you are now being called to surrender into. What is your axis of service? What are you called to do here on earth and how does it support the collective? 

Remember, to be a mother is to master the art of Motherhood which ripples through the collective as healing to the archetype of the Mother. To be an artist is to master a particular medium and use it to create which ripples into the collective to heal the archetype of the artist. You get my point.

If Virgo rules mastery and mentorship, emphasizing precision, skill-building, and guidance; its opposite in Pisces would embody qualities like surrender, divine inspiration, and spiritual receptivity. While Virgo represents the disciplined teacher or mentor, Pisces would be the intuitive mystic or visionary who channels wisdom effortlessly and trusts in the flow of the universe.

What if the letting go the South Node asks for is the perfectionism, obsession, and nervous system dysregulation that has been holding you back from surrendering into your divine purpose?

All the while keeping in mind Virgo’s highest octave as the one who sees the flaws, is the ultimate healer, fixer, and purifier of the divine cosmic order being out of order. The spider weaving its web, restoring the quilt of reality.

The question is…

What area of your life are you carrying skills and mastery that you are meant to serve from and are now being called to let the divine wisdom and flow move through you in order to do that work?

As a Virgo Stellium myself, I experience a love/hate relationship with the wisdom dropping in right now. What has come through is ‘The time for building the skill has come to a pause.In fact there will likely be parts of the practice that you’ve been clinging to that need to be released in order for you to allow the divine flow of wisdom to move through you in your work and service. This might mean leaving behind the rigid ways of thinking, facts, and data that got you to this place in order to allow a higher power to move through you in your work. This might be the part of you that is afraid to move because if it’s not perfect, why bother.

Analysis Paralysis vs Messy Action

Though very driven and efficient at its highest octave, Virgo (and 6th house) placements are notorious for procrastination. Why? Analysis paralysis. You have to remember this sign is ruled by Mercury in traditional astrology. Virgo energy thinks, and thinks, and then thinks so more until every little detail has been analyzed, categorized, and perfected. Because of this the South Node Virgo might have you stuck in analysis paralysis and worse, stuck in your head. 

Analysis paralysis is a state where overthinking or excessive analysis of a situation prevents a person from making a decision or taking action. It’s characterized by being "stuck" in the decision-making process due to fear, uncertainty, or an overwhelming number of options (or even things to do.)

Because of Virgo’s desire to perfect things it can often feel better not to take messy action until all the puzzle pieces are in order. This ultimately leads to no movement because as we know life is messy, and getting things done means accepting things won't be perfect. This will be one of the greatest shadows to meet over the next 18 months. Can you embrace the messy action that Pisces requires? Can you accept that things do not have to be perfect in order to be “good enough” or maybe even wonderful?

It’s nerve wracking, I know.

And yet, on the other hand - if you’ve leaned too deeply into the Pisces arena you may be learning to perfect things, to take your time, to organize, and lay the groundwork for your plan. Remember, the North Node can overindulge. It’s your job to dance with these energies in union.

The North Node Pisces 

The North Node in Pisces brings massive opportunity for more care, connection, spiritual connection, creativity and divine spark.

It also breeds possibility around escapism, victimhood, martyrdom, and isolation. At its lowest Pisces can seek pleasure, or divine union so deeply that this energy can essentially check out through addictions. And I don’t just mean drugs and alcohol, but also the days you “rot” and watch 12 hours of netflix, the 4 hours you just lost scrolling social media looking for your next dopamine hit. (Guilty!)

Wherever Pisces is in your chart may be an area that you are prone to these behaviours (not everyone is), but if you’re anything like me you’ve doom scrolled yourself into a dysregulated state more than once and you might find yourself turning off the overly intense and complex world we live in more often than not in your bed with daily or nightly binge-a-thons. (Seriously, I could watch The Office, Buffy the vampire slayer, or Gilmore Girls til my face melted off.) But the ultimate question is - what are you avoiding or seeking in these moments? And how can we channel this energy more efficiently? What part of this dysregulation stems from the Virgo energy to begin with? (Don’t worry, I’ll talk more about the metaphysical dis-ease part of this soon.)

The North Node in Pisces is your opportunity to see this behaviour in a new light, to access new ways of being, and to re-write your script with destiny. If there is anything I want to make sure you know when it comes to astrology - it’s that you have free will. Fate and free will are intertangled. Will these be the cosmic themes we work through over the next 18 months? Undoubtedly yes. Do you have the power to use them and work in divine co-creation with the cosmos? Unequivability, yes! 

You are not a victim of the universe, though trust me, after 12 months of chronic pain, I know it can feel like it. But what if everything that was happening was showing you exactly where you are meant to be in deeper alignment with your soul's plan? Can you trust the divine plan (Pisces) while seeing the shadow, moving through what comes up in your body (Virgo) and begin accessing your new state of being?

I want to give you the exact tools to thrive over the next 18 months.

Want to know exactly how this Nodal Shift will be impacting your life? Join me inside of the Collective Karma Masterclass and discover how you can more easefully ride these Cosmic Tides and step into deeper alignment with your soul mission. 

You can feel it. You’re ready to dive deep into the transformative themes of karma, shadow work, and spiritual growth that this Pisces North Node and Virgo South Node transit offers. This masterclass will empower you to uncover karmic patterns, embrace divine flow, and align with your soul’s highest path over the next 18 months.

In this 2 hour LIVE masterclass (with replay) you’ll learn:

  • Understanding the Transit: Learn how the Pisces North Node and Virgo South Node shape collective and personal karma.

  • Locating Your Activations: Discover how to pinpoint the houses and aspects in your birth chart affected by this nodal shift including eclipse activations.

  • Deeper Collective Themes: Explore the overarching energies influencing the world during this transit.

  • Medical Astrology Insights: Uncover health themes associated with Pisces and Virgo and how they might manifest.

  • Bach Flower Remedies: Receive practical guidance on using Bach Flower remedies to support your emotional and spiritual journey.

Get on the waitlist here 👇

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I deeply believe that knowledge should be accessible to all who seek it, and that’s why I share my insights, teachings, and guidance as freely as possible. If my work has touched your heart, offered clarity, or helped you on your path, I invite you to consider offering an energy exchange in return so that I may keep doing this work for you.

VIKA BRADFORD - Karmic Astrologer, Teacher, Speaker, Writer

Vika Bradford is a Canadian astrologer, writer, spiritual teacher, energy healer and host of the It’s Karmic Podcast. Vika has been studying spiritual practices since 2012 and began teaching her philosophies and practices because of the powerful healing effect they had on her life. Through her 10+ years of study she began teaching Karmic astrology in 2020 to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by helping her students and clients discover their authentic selves through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. Vika began her journey of healing after many years of depression, suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety and many auto immune disorders.

The purpose of Vika’s work is to assist in her students and clients finding true liberation, living outside of the system, and shattering the norm around healing and being human. This is done through her powerful system of astrology, embodiment, and energy work to bring her clients back to homeostasis, authenticity, and their true selves through courses, certifications, mentorships, a monthly membership, certification and potent birth chart readings.


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