The Witch Wound

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Scorpio brings the Witch Wound into full focus, especially with this full illumination of Mama Moon revealing past life wounds around being the witch, the black sheep, the outcast, the persecuted, the abused, the abuser, the healer, the seer, the oracle and so much more. 

Scorpio is the true Hades Moon, and with it comes old lines of hurt, harm, death, and abuses that need to be revealed, released, shed, and healed. 

And to heal this trauma the energy of this moon asks we dive into the deepest waters of our souls. The water that is so still it looks black from the surface. The waters that guide us to the underworld into the very depths of our subconscious minds. 

Scorpio, like the Witch, is the healer/seer/releaser. The Witch Wound carries the signature of persecution for daring to be different, daring to see beyond the veil, daring to dive into the underworld and retrieve and heal the darkness that lives within. In this life, the Witch Wound reveals herself through our fear of being powerful. The energy and blood that soaked the land while Witches burned, hanged, and died generation after generation now pumps in our veins asking for a reclamation of our sacred magics. 


To heal the witch wound you must begin to heal your shadows and claim your sacred magic. All the intuition, spirit, and healer magic that lives within your soul signature and DNA. 

The western world has long rejected the idea that death is part of the cycle of life. There is fear around the moment a soul crosses into the world beyond this realm. There is a rejection that we or our loved ones will ever die and in this energy, we often forget to live. But the energetic portal of this Super Full Moon asks us to connect in and remember the cycles of life themselves. 

Birth, Death, Rebirth. 

These cycles are part of our very souls. This full moon guides us to the remembrance that we have our own birth, death, rebirth cycles in our lives over and over again. We will live many chapters, close many of those chapters, mourn the loss of ourselves, our loved ones, and much more in this incarnation much like the last. 

Control is the very core of the complexity of the Scorpio full moon, and this control keeps us from living the more fulfilled, sensual, pleasure-filled lives we can. We long so deeply to control the outcome of all situations and even the phases of the moon herself, but the Witch works in mysterious ways and asks that you release the need for control and instead allow the sacred magic to move through and heal your blood, bone, and soul. 

Action Steps:

  • Work with crystals like pyrite, labradorite, and black tourmaline at this time to invoke protection, healing, and psychic connection.

  • Practice active yoga at this time like vinyasa with twists and folds to detoxify old emotions, wounds, and patterns

  • Meditate on past life energies around rejection, persecution, and your personal witch wound while asking where you can reclaim your sacred power. 


  • Sleep with a piece of pyrite under your pillow to inspire action, inner fire, and abundance. 

  • Sleep with a piece of labradorite to heal past life wounds, reveal Witch Wound stories, and connect to the beyond

  • Sleep with black tourmaline near your bed to shed and release old wounds while using its psychic protection at this time. 

Until next time,


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