97. The Mother Wound: The Moon & The Mother in Astrology

How can you start to see the Moon in astrology differently?

The moon is where a lot of people start studying astrology. They're an easy start place because there's a lot of information out there on the moon in the astrology world. There's a lot of information, theories, and different ways of talking about the moon, so I feel like most people jump into astrology and automatically start with the moon. 

To add to this there's probably a moon circle on every block, and every corner of Instagram.

Let's talk about the moon…

Open your Instagram right now, and someone's probably hosting a moon circle. The moon's an easy start. And I will say that when I was in my yoga world starting to dip my toes into astrology in 2018/2019, I started by hosting moon circles when I really didn’t know much about the moon beyond the basic information I found with a quick google search. And honestly? they were a delicious way to start testing the waters in regards to astrology and energy. Around the same time, when I started my astrological mentorship, I was working for my mentor at the time. I had the pleasure of studying the moon's movements every single week and writing an email out for her community on what that moon sign was going to be bringing based in the world of business. So yeah, the moon is a beautiful place to start learning astrology.

And that's where my roots began to form in studying astrology, beyond the South node and the North node. But the moon itself has always been something I feel like I am forming my own theories around, which if you are dabbling in the world of astrology or if you are deep in the world of astrology, I encourage you to be continuously gathering your perceptions and understandings of each sign planet house, all of it through the experiment and experience of it in your life. 

When I started teaching It's Karmic: Past Life Astrology Certification back in 2020/2021, I put a teaching of the moon inside of my certification called the emotional karma masterclass.

This is actually where I started with karma was the studying moon in understanding our emotional baggage. I've described this several times on the podcast and there is a full podcast on your emotional karma that I will be sure to link in the show notes below. And in this teaching of our emotional karma, I really began to see the foundational comfort zones that we bring in lifetime after lifetime through our moon signs.

👉 Healing Emotional Karma Through Your Moon Sign

The Mother & The Moon

Something that really began to sit with me in the start of my practice was the relationship between the mother, the moon, our nourishment and our safety, and how this was interrelated to lives previous and what we carry forward truly through this experience of our moon sign and this emotional baggage, this emotional karma. And I really spent the last four to five years solidifying what it is that I want to teach when it comes to the moon. And so inside of this, the moon hasn't been a huge focus inside of It’s Karmic 1, my past life astrology certification And yet it is a huge focus inside of It’s Karmic 2, decoding your ancestral astrology through your birth chart

The moon and the mother are integral to understanding your karmic and ancestral astrology.

Because of the way astrology has been sort of bastardized in the world, we're missing a lot of pieces of the puzzle. I have seen really over the last six months to a year, what an impact it has had to start looking at the moon in this powerful and potent way and how it's having a ripple effect through my relationship to my mother, my relationship and connection to my Oma, and to women in my life and how much magic and wounding is within this frequency.

And please note, when I talk about the wound, I am talking about the medicine because the wound is the medicine. The medicine is hidden within the wound, aka within the wound is the medicine you seek. I truly believe that we incarnate experiencing what we experienced so that we can find our medicines as we move through life. I've said it before, and I will say it again. 

One thing we need to understand about the mother wound is that this wound is in relation to our safety, our security, our nourishment, and our ability to feel like we are secure in this world while feeling we're secure in our bodies. That's a huge thing that I feel like humanity is karmically working out is the safety to be in our bodies, the safety to exist here on earth, the safety to feel nourished, to have food on the table, to have our bodies be supported and all the subconscious beliefs that come when we are not safe and we don't have enough. 

The mother wound holds all of the information that is in regards to that safety, that nourishment, that wanting and craving. Thinking of a child reaching out for its mother, just looking to be held and to be told that you're loved, you're safe, you are held, there is protection here. Not everyone gets to feel that in this life. And the moon holds all of this wounding and magick. (Amongst many other places inside of the birth chart.)

I was thinking about this and about how in the astrological world, they teach you the moon is the mother and that much is true, but there is SO much more to this story. If you go down a Google rabbit hole and you start looking into this and you're like, “Hey, if the moon is the mother, then the sign that rules my moon must represent my mother.” And though that is true, there is a multi-million point system to tell you what your relationship is to your mother, what your relationship is to the sacred mother, the earth, mother earth, Rhea, Gaia, the relationship you will have to your ability to mother your relationship to mothering yourself.

But within that one point, there is a whole story, but you need the map to be able to decode the information.

For instance, my moon sign is Leo, so every Leo moon should have the same type of mother for instance, right? But it's simply not true. Every Leo moon experiences a different relationship to the mother based on the karmic contracts within the birth chart, of which there is a multitude. 

(And I'm going to teach you the formulas for figuring out what that means inside of the go at your own pace astro immersion, it's karmic 2)

Now, if we were just to think the moon is the mother, then every single person who had a Leo moon would be just out there experiencing exactly what I experienced when I grew up as a Leo moon child. But if you talk to my husband, who is a Leo moon versus me as a Leo moon, it's a completely different story. We have to remember the complexity of astrology and how the stories we tell ourselves or what we experience as we're growing up will shape or is shaped by our birth chart and then shapes our lives for instance, right? And this is a place where we can really heal our inner child because we begin to understand the stories.

Within these stories is beauty, hope, pain, magick, hurt, loneliness, abandonment… the list goes on.

And that's what I think the gift of our wounds really offered to us is that in this incarnation, I personally was very intentional about incarnating with a mother wound, having a father wound and all of these other wounds because they are my medicine in this life, right? This is what I talk about when I talk about the wound is the medicine.

Without the disconnect from my mother, without the inability to reach her, without her “abandonment” that I felt without the lack of food in the house or meals cooked for me from a very young age, all the experiences I had as a child, I would not be seeking to re-nourish myself in this life. And that's not to say that that's some amazing thing that in this life I needed to rediscover my mother within me, but obviously something has occurred within past lives, which are really just all lives, other lives, dimensional lives, where the mother has been lost. The mother has been disconnected.

The same goes for the father in my chart. And that's a whole other conversation I'm going to have around the wound around creativity. But without safety, how can we express? Without nourishment, how can we flourish? In the book Luminaries by Liz Green and Howard Sporatas, they talk about the disconnection from the mother in order to step into the energy of the father.

So the job of the mother is to create safety. And then the job of the father is to actually be a place where we expand beyond that safety and begin to find ourselves outside of the mother. It's a very symbiotic relationship with the mother for good, for bad, for higher, for lower.

And that the father is like the next person we find to begin to express ourselves. And I really loved the way they presented this because they link it to Carl Jung’s theories around individuation. And there's so much potency in our ability to find ourselves, but we can even examine this in the realm of the Imum Coeli, which I talked about in the Ancestral Karma podcast a couple of weeks ago, and the midheaven. They're opposing forces, the bottom of your chart and the top of your chart.

If you are not rooted in your IC, you don't feel safe down there in that energy. How can you live your purpose, your destiny up in your midheaven?

If you are not rooted in your ability to mother and nourish yourself as a being on this earth, in your moon's highest octave expression how can you express your sun? How can you express your greatest qualities? 

If you don't feel safe, how can you cultivate all that you desire?

I think about this a lot coming from a person who has a chart that really equates to the feeling I describe as “never having enough, never being stable enough, never feeling secure enough” this ever-changing force within me and my desire, my deep desire for security in this life and how there's so many points inside of my chart that challenge that security, that safety, this ever-changing part of me that just wants to be still. And yet stillness is, sometimes it feels, it feels intangible, like I'll never find that. That's part of my magic. That's part of my medicine. You have your own signature teaching you.

And if that resonates with you we really have to root into these points, the moon, the IC to discover what parts of us are disconnected from our ability to nourish, to nurture, to feel safe and secure, and to root ourselves down into this earth and be here, which can be terrifying, right? To be here or to even be in this present moment, not reaching for the next one.

What if you let go in this moment and you stop reaching for that next moment and everything falls apart, right? I think about this a lot. My husband will say, why can't you just relax? And I'll say, “ooh, but if I stop, if I stop trying to achieve, if I stop trying to create or build this empire that I want to build, we'll just die.” Because that's the feeling in me.

I know that's not true, but there's the sensation that it is. And this is the ultimate energy of karma of our past life baggage coming up to bite us in the ass, stopping us from living a pleasurable life. And I honestly think it's stopping us from achieving the wealth, the health, the beauty that we want to achieve in this life, because we're always seeking something that's in our minds instead of trusting the flow and the gift that the universe is trying to provide for us, the road that the universe has put us on, because we truly believe there's never enough.

And if I don't work as hard as I can, it'll all fall apart. How terrifying is that? 

So the mother wound and your moon sign is all tangled up in this energy.

It's all tangled up in your ability to feel safe, your ability to feel really, truly nourished. 

And I want to ask you..

Have you felt truly nourished in this life? 

And those moments where you have felt nourished, what were they? What did you experience in the moments you felt the most nourished, the most alive, the safest? 

What did it look like, feel like, contain?

For me, it's like reading on the beach is an ultimate bliss moment that fills my cup. It's going out and enjoying an extremely fun day with a friend, whatever that means, where I get to be with somebody I really love and have a lot of fun with them. It's all in laughter and play. It's humor. 

And like I said, I'm going to give you my exact formula to decoding the mother, the mother wound inside It’s Karmic 2: Decoding your Ancestral Karma through your Birth Chart

It’s all a Spectrum.

So this is kind of the start of a big conversation that's going to continue. And if this is lighting you up, if you're like, “Oh my God, tell me more. I'm obsessed already.” Like I said, I'm going to tell you all my formulas inside of It’s Karmic 2!

Until next time,

Lots of love,


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Who am I to be teaching you this sacred knowledge?

VIKA BRADFORD - Karmic Astrologer, Teacher, Speaker, Writer

Vika Bradford is a Canadian astrologer, writer, spiritual teacher, energy healer and host of the It’s Karmic Podcast. Vika has been studying spiritual practices since 2012 and began teaching her philosophies and practices because of the powerful healing effect they had on her life. Through her 10+ years of study she began teaching Karmic astrology in 2020 to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by helping her students and clients discover their authentic selves through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. Vika began her journey of healing after many years of depression, suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety and many auto immune disorders.

The purpose of Vika’s work is to assist in her students and clients finding true liberation, living outside of the system, and shattering the norm around healing and being human. This is done through her powerful system of astrology, embodiment, and energy work to bring her clients back to homeostasis, authenticity, and their true selves through courses, certifications, mentorships, a monthly membership, certification and potent birth chart readings.


98. The Father Wound: Visibility, Validation & Creation


95. We Were the Black Sheep: Now We're Breaking Family Curses with Astrology with Renata Taravski