95. We Were the Black Sheep: Now We're Breaking Family Curses with Astrology with Renata Taravski
In this episode of the It's Karmic Podcast…
In this weeks episode of the It’s Karmic Podcast join Renata Taravski and myself as we dive into some personal stories around the Black Sheep and how we have busted through massive generational curses to start living life on our own damn terms through our sacred work.
Are you the Black Sheep of the Family?
If you’re reading these words there is a high chance that you have felt like an outsider in a world some call “normal society”.
People don’t just stumble on posts about Generational Curse Breakers and Astrology, do they?
There has to be at least some interest in occult (hidden) knowledge and the mysteries of the world to even being the person reading this, which means you automatically exist and operate outside of the “norm” (even if it’s becoming more and more normalized that everything is just energy.)
I grew up with a mom who was buying me astrology and witchcraft books, and the rest of the family that expected me to get good grades and go to university and get a “real job”.
If you’re anything like me you’ve felt like the black sheep of the family, generational curse breaker, the maverick who thinks differently and has no desire to walk the path you were told by your family to walk.
If you’re anything like me the world likely expected you to be one thing, and you went the complete opposite way with or without a fight, judgment, shame, fear, and all the things that come with generational karma.
My family had high expectations for me. My Oma and Opa were immigrants. My Opa came to Canada when he was 18 to have a better life, my Oma ended up here to live in an orphanage at 8 years old because there was more opportunity in Canada for her. I was the first one on my Mothers side to attend university, and let me tell you this was a BIG DEAL.
I wasted a lot of time and money trying to fit into the boxes my family marked as the “only options” until I began to realize that I hated everything I was trying to be and I truly wanted to step into work as someone who was doing something important for humanity. In came Yoga, Reiki, energy work and finally Astrology.
My calling was clear and as you’ll hear in this week’s episode on the It’s Karmic Podcast, there are still parts of my family I am learning to really own what I do.
When you are the Black Sheep it comes with a lot of Isolation, Loneliness, Misunderstanding, Rejection, Frustration, Alienation, Resentment, Sadness, Anger, Inadequacy, Confusion, Guilt, Shame, Anxiety, Low self-esteem, Insecurity, Bitterness, Disappointment, Hopelessness
Here’s the thing…
Black sheep are usually growth oriented
Facing rejection and misunderstanding often creates resilience with you. Blacks sheep learn early on in life to navigate challenges independently, which leads to personal growth and a stronger sense of self. Black sheep often question family norms and values, which can enhance critical thinking skills too. This questioning attitude can drive innovation and a willingness to explore new ideas and perspectives. Plus this comes with the magick of authenticity, as Black sheep tend to stay true to their beliefs and values despite family pressure. This authenticity can lead to a more fulfilling and genuine life, driven by their own passions and interests. Ever notice some of the happiest people you’ll ever meet dance to the beat of their own drum?
Does this sound like you? Are you always looking to expand your horizons and colour outside of the lines? You might just be a black sheep.
Black sheep usually don’t walk the path set out for them
Being the black sheep often means forging your own path, cultivating a high degree of independence and self-reliance. This self-sufficiency can lead to significant personal and professional achievements because you learn to never give up. I can’t tell you the eye rolls I have gotten stepping fully into my role as an astrologer, and yet I am fulfilled AF and thriving.
Most black sheep are drawn to unconventional careers or hobbies that their families may not understand or support, leaving you feeling like an alien yet totally fulfilled when you go all in on it. This includes artistic endeavors, entrepreneurial ventures, social activism, or other paths that diverge from traditional family norms. Because of this they’re always forging their own path often involves deep self-discovery. Black sheep spend considerable time reflecting on their true interests, strengths, values and passions. This self-awareness helps them make decisions that are more aligned with their authentic selves.
Do you feel called to walk your own path, instead of the one that was expected of you? Are you already doing it? Check another box on your black sheep scorecard.
Black sheep change the trajectory of family karma
The best part? The changes initiated by the black sheep can have a lasting impact on future generations. This means what you do now with this archetype can change the course of history. By altering the family’s trajectory, they can create a legacy of positive change, paving the way for healthier and more supportive family dynamics. Black sheep often develop significant resilience through their struggles. By demonstrating resilience and resourcefulness, they can inspire family members to persevere through their own challenges, contributing to a more resilient family unit.
Let me put it this way… You have no idea the impact that your strength and growth mindset has on your family. You have no idea how inspiring it is to watch someone choose to do life differently, to heal, to grow, to change, and to be the person who breaks out of conditioning. It has a powerful ripple effect on those around you.
Are you three for three on black sheep bingo? If so you’re going to love this weeks episode of the podcast.
In this weeks episode of the It’s Karmic Podcast join Renata Taravski of @alignwithrenata and myself as we dive into some personal stories around the Black Sheep and how we have busted through massive generational curses to start living life on our own damn terms through our sacred work.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a healer, an astrologer, a mother, or the CEO of a fortune 500 company - you know when you are here to do life differently and heal generational karma through your birth chart by walking your own sacred path.
You in?
Listen to the full episode here & don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss a beat with weekly episodes focused on Astrology, Past Lives, Ancestry & Karma.
Who is Renata Taravski?
I’m Renata Taravski, your straight-talking naturopathic doctor turned soul astrologer and business mentor who cuts through the “spiritual fluff,” to deliver the sassy cosmic wisdom you didn’t even know you were searching for.
Word on the street on what makes me a true master of my craft is my commitment to helping spiritual entrepreneurs, astrologers, seekers, leaders, and healers confidently service the world the “OMG I actually get paid for this?!” way they were designed to. So if you love a no-BS approach, with a lil’ woo-woo, and someone who’s already walked the path to help you uncover exactly what you need to do to make that happen in your own way, I’m your girl!
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Want to go deeper into your Ancestral Karma? Read the Full Article on your Ancestral Root System in your chart here
Or Get the Guide and start decoding your Ancestral Karma today 👇
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I deeply believe that knowledge should be accessible to all who seek it, and that’s why I share my insights, teachings, and guidance as freely as possible. If my work has touched your heart, offered clarity, or helped you on your path, I invite you to consider offering an energy exchange in return so that I may keep doing this work for you.