Decoding Ancestral Karma: with your Imum Coeli


Designed for the soul committed to breaking generational cycles, restoring ancestral lines, and embodying ancient wisdom to reclaim personal power and soul liberation.

Obsessed with getting to the bottom of Ancestral Patterns using Astrology & Past Lives? Me too.

It's time to transform the least talked about astrological placement into your generational curse breaking BFF, by accessing the Magick & Medicine to heal the Wounds stored in your Ancestral Karma through your birth chart.

Below your midheaven (how you shine in the world) you find this point of home, the Imum Coeli. It holds the key to your subconscious tendencies hidden from the world (and more often than not, yourself), your safety, security, lineage, ancestry, home, and often your rock bottom & karmic comfort zone. It is your generational karma, lineage, heritage and how your blood line experienced life, as well as your mother or father (or both), how you experienced life as a child, karmic pain points and past incarnated subconscious energy.

The IC holds the key to…

✨ How to clear, cleanse, and release old karmic debts and pain points by shedding light on the areas of your past life signatures that need better understanding.​

✨ How to heal your root system and begin to understand what you need in order to have a secure and solid foundation to live upon.

✨ the Sign that represents your ancestral heritage and common experiences through your bloodline.

✨ How you naturally feel safe, nurtured, and secure and deepen your self care through building a life in alignment with who you truly are.

By the end of this 29+ page guide you will have…

  1. Unearthed part of the karmic codes around why you are the black-sheep of the family, helping you decipher what karmic programs you are here re-writing as a generational curse breaker.

  2. Unlocked a piece of your Ancestral Karma guiding you into a deeper understanding of the sign and energy that is deeply ingrained within you and your bloodline through your birth chart.

  3. Finally understand who you truly are at your core, and flip the script on your your karmic comfort zones and ancestral wounding around safety, security and nourishment and finally step into your power. 

  4. Uncovered a piece of the sacred medicine and magick in your lineage that will help you reclaim your power and teach you radical self love as you begin to nourish yourself better through your karmic codes.

  5. Uncover your major karmic patterns and scars, karmic contracts, and emotional baggage that has been holding you back from allowing you to be free. Get ready to start breaking free from the fear of judgment as you begin a transformative path of healing, empowerment, and liberation.

  6. Started to release some of the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying linked to your lineage, family, and ancestry that you may have not been able to honour or explore until this point. 

Consider this the key you’ve been seeking to unlock the door to living on your own terms, remembering who you are, and WHY you came here to rattle cages and dance to the beat of your own drum as an ancestral trail blazer. 

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Designed for the soul committed to breaking generational cycles, restoring ancestral lines, and embodying ancient wisdom to reclaim personal power and soul liberation.

Obsessed with getting to the bottom of Ancestral Patterns using Astrology & Past Lives? Me too.

It's time to transform the least talked about astrological placement into your generational curse breaking BFF, by accessing the Magick & Medicine to heal the Wounds stored in your Ancestral Karma through your birth chart.

Below your midheaven (how you shine in the world) you find this point of home, the Imum Coeli. It holds the key to your subconscious tendencies hidden from the world (and more often than not, yourself), your safety, security, lineage, ancestry, home, and often your rock bottom & karmic comfort zone. It is your generational karma, lineage, heritage and how your blood line experienced life, as well as your mother or father (or both), how you experienced life as a child, karmic pain points and past incarnated subconscious energy.

The IC holds the key to…

✨ How to clear, cleanse, and release old karmic debts and pain points by shedding light on the areas of your past life signatures that need better understanding.​

✨ How to heal your root system and begin to understand what you need in order to have a secure and solid foundation to live upon.

✨ the Sign that represents your ancestral heritage and common experiences through your bloodline.

✨ How you naturally feel safe, nurtured, and secure and deepen your self care through building a life in alignment with who you truly are.

By the end of this 29+ page guide you will have…

  1. Unearthed part of the karmic codes around why you are the black-sheep of the family, helping you decipher what karmic programs you are here re-writing as a generational curse breaker.

  2. Unlocked a piece of your Ancestral Karma guiding you into a deeper understanding of the sign and energy that is deeply ingrained within you and your bloodline through your birth chart.

  3. Finally understand who you truly are at your core, and flip the script on your your karmic comfort zones and ancestral wounding around safety, security and nourishment and finally step into your power. 

  4. Uncovered a piece of the sacred medicine and magick in your lineage that will help you reclaim your power and teach you radical self love as you begin to nourish yourself better through your karmic codes.

  5. Uncover your major karmic patterns and scars, karmic contracts, and emotional baggage that has been holding you back from allowing you to be free. Get ready to start breaking free from the fear of judgment as you begin a transformative path of healing, empowerment, and liberation.

  6. Started to release some of the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying linked to your lineage, family, and ancestry that you may have not been able to honour or explore until this point. 

Consider this the key you’ve been seeking to unlock the door to living on your own terms, remembering who you are, and WHY you came here to rattle cages and dance to the beat of your own drum as an ancestral trail blazer. 

Designed for the soul committed to breaking generational cycles, restoring ancestral lines, and embodying ancient wisdom to reclaim personal power and soul liberation.

Obsessed with getting to the bottom of Ancestral Patterns using Astrology & Past Lives? Me too.

It's time to transform the least talked about astrological placement into your generational curse breaking BFF, by accessing the Magick & Medicine to heal the Wounds stored in your Ancestral Karma through your birth chart.

Below your midheaven (how you shine in the world) you find this point of home, the Imum Coeli. It holds the key to your subconscious tendencies hidden from the world (and more often than not, yourself), your safety, security, lineage, ancestry, home, and often your rock bottom & karmic comfort zone. It is your generational karma, lineage, heritage and how your blood line experienced life, as well as your mother or father (or both), how you experienced life as a child, karmic pain points and past incarnated subconscious energy.

The IC holds the key to…

✨ How to clear, cleanse, and release old karmic debts and pain points by shedding light on the areas of your past life signatures that need better understanding.​

✨ How to heal your root system and begin to understand what you need in order to have a secure and solid foundation to live upon.

✨ the Sign that represents your ancestral heritage and common experiences through your bloodline.

✨ How you naturally feel safe, nurtured, and secure and deepen your self care through building a life in alignment with who you truly are.

By the end of this 29+ page guide you will have…

  1. Unearthed part of the karmic codes around why you are the black-sheep of the family, helping you decipher what karmic programs you are here re-writing as a generational curse breaker.

  2. Unlocked a piece of your Ancestral Karma guiding you into a deeper understanding of the sign and energy that is deeply ingrained within you and your bloodline through your birth chart.

  3. Finally understand who you truly are at your core, and flip the script on your your karmic comfort zones and ancestral wounding around safety, security and nourishment and finally step into your power. 

  4. Uncovered a piece of the sacred medicine and magick in your lineage that will help you reclaim your power and teach you radical self love as you begin to nourish yourself better through your karmic codes.

  5. Uncover your major karmic patterns and scars, karmic contracts, and emotional baggage that has been holding you back from allowing you to be free. Get ready to start breaking free from the fear of judgment as you begin a transformative path of healing, empowerment, and liberation.

  6. Started to release some of the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying linked to your lineage, family, and ancestry that you may have not been able to honour or explore until this point. 

Consider this the key you’ve been seeking to unlock the door to living on your own terms, remembering who you are, and WHY you came here to rattle cages and dance to the beat of your own drum as an ancestral trail blazer.