Finding Peace with Soul Groups Through Karmic Astrology

Are you working through finding forgiveness for any tough relationships in your bloodline?

If you’re anything like me then you might feel like part of your major work here on earth is to find peace within the chaos of human relationships in the family line. This conversation can be extremely tender and always brings up the shadows and the places we avoid most, but I’m willing to dive in if you are.

If you’re interested in…

  • Soul groups

  • Incarnated family

  • Healing and finding forgiveness through understanding karma and past lives

Keep reading.

First let me note:

We've had many conversations over the last few posts about ancestral karma through the birth chart and we’ve talked about our mothers, our fathers, and what's tangled up inside of them. And I want to remind you that just because you have a mother wound doesn't mean you have a bad mother. Just because you have a mother wound doesn't mean you need to have a bad relationship with your mother. Just because you carry a father wound does not mean you have a bad father. Okay, and so on and so forth. It means that you are in an experience of healing a need that was not met in other lives, childhood and often perpetuates into adulthood. That unmet need that was experienced in childhood and likely continues to be experienced, because often we come in with people who are not on the same growth journey as you in our families and we meet them as mirrors.

Did you know countless Past Life Regressions, Near Death Experiences, and Between Life Regressions show we choose our experiences and lessons here on earth and incarnate with our “Soul Group” to experience exactly what we need to expand our consciousness?

So, why would you choose such tough family karma?

I want to share with you one of my favourite quotes (Unfortunately I do not know where this quote came from and I cannot find it anywhere on the internet, so if you know please let me know!) but the quote is 

“Do not pity the beggar for in another life he was a Maharaja and he is here learning to humble himself.”

And it always has me thinking “who am I to judge another person's experience?” Of course I will always do my best to eliminate as much suffering here on earth. But who am I to judge a soul's choice in experience if they are not doing what I think is best for them?

When we adopt a growth mindset and start asking “what is this teaching me?” rather than “why is this happening to me” we begin to understand the medicine behind every tough moment in our lives. (While still allowing ourselves to feel the pain, the suffering, and the heartache.)

I get it all the time, some people will say, well, why would I choose this? Why would I choose to have this relationship with my mother? Or, why would I choose to have this relationship where I never felt safe or nurtured? Or, to never feel like I’m going to be safe financially? Why would I choose to be poor? Why would I choose to struggle so much with money? Why would I choose to have struggles putting food on the table? 

And it’s a great question.

So I always want to revert the question back and ask “What do you think your soul chose this? And what are you learning through having the experience of a mother wound? What are you learning through your experience with your father wound? What have they taught you so far? Who would you be without them?”

Another question is “What have they taught you to become and what did you learn from them?” For instance being emotionally repressed, angry, irritable, bitter, and the negative traits.

Maybe you learned that love wasn't safe. Maybe you learned you would never be taken care of.  Ask yourself what did they teach you?

And beyond that what did they teach you not to be? What did they show you in your life that you grew up and said, I'm never going to be like that? What did they set an example to excel past? For instance, “I will never drink because I’ve seen it destroy a parent” is a pretty big gift in your healthy habits and healing of being present on earth from my own experience.

Because that's a mirror for something you are healing here on earth.

From there you can expand into their good qualities through time as forgiveness begins to flood in. (Note, forgiveness is not for them and you don’t have to forgive what has happened to you. Forgiveness is for you to be able to find peace.)

This is part of the karma around transmutation, healing, and alchemizing the family wounds. It's going to be uncomfortable. It's going to be gritty. You're going to have to create new neural pathways. Your soul is going to have to choose new pathways. But you know, when we ask the question of like, why would I choose to experience this? Well, just push that question back. What is it showing you? What is the gift of having a mother wound?

Who would you be without these wounds? The gift for me a lot of times is in learning how to remother myself in learning what it means to nourish myself in learning what emotional intelligence means in learning why I have so much anger inside of me that I am healing in this life. I am working on this and energies like my ability to be explosive and burn so hot with this Leo moon, and then be over it in five seconds. These are part of my sacred lessons as a Leo Moon square Pluto in Scorpio, Capricorn Uranus inconjunct the moon, the list goes on. And without this mother wound, I wouldn't be doing this work. And this is part of my gift to the world. 

Soul Family vs Family Incarnate

Thousands of recorded Past Life Regressions confirm that we incarnate with Soul Groups and make contracts with other souls to play out roles with each other in order to learn lessons. 

The idea that the people who have brought me the most pain might actually be part of my soul group and are doing it to help me grow kind of rocked me the first time I thought about it.

Could it be that the painful relationship I’ve experienced with my Step Mom and my Aunt are actually helping me solidify and reclaim my need for freedom of expression through pressing on me to comply? Could it be that the will they exerted over me was actually the will I need to rediscover in myself?

So for you, I want you to sit with whoever those people are and what they create for you. 

I’ve come to the peaceful understanding that at a soul level these people are not bad, but instead they’re playing out a role for me. This doesn’t mean I need to accept them into my life. In fact my soul lessons with them is in breaking free from them and forming healthy boundaries so I am not abused. That’s actually how I am taking my power back. But it’s not their souls I am angry with, it’s the role they play. Somewhere before this life we decided that we would play out roles for each other. And in that role, sometimes someone has to be the villain, right? You're the villain in many people's stories. I'm sure I'm the villain in many people's stories. I'm sure I've got a few exes out there who I'm still the villain of that story. And this soul, be it an actual soul that you have a soul contract with in a soul group or an archetypal soul, and they're just playing out one of your archetypes that you have to work through in this life.

What a level of forgiveness and peace this has brought me.

You and the soul made this agreement so that you could learn something and likely so that possibly they could learn something. And it's not that you are angry at their soul. You're angry at the experience of being with them here on earth. I'm angry at the experience of many people in this life, but I'm not angry at their soul. I’ve learned that over the last 5-6 years. Beyond that, I see that those who have wronged me in my ancestral lineage, those who have harmed me, it wasn't out of malice on a soul level.

And so I found a lot of peace knowing that beyond being here on earth, there is love and that that soul incarnated to experience deep love with me, but it just looks very different. And this doesn't mean that I need to let people into my life that have created harm because that might be part of the soul contract, right? It's to remove that person. Sometimes we can't remove people because they are attached to other people we want to keep inside of our lives, but we can create distance. Breaking generational curses looks different for everyone.

So I want you to take that question, flip it back again. What are you learning through them? And then find the rooted knowledge that beyond the experience of being human, there may be something deeper between the two of you. And that soul might actually be part of your liberation and your reclamation of power, because they are showing you where you lost that power in incarnations and other lives. They're showing you how to reclaim your power through where you're feeling powerless, how you're feeling powerless. They are showing you how to come back to wholeness, how to reclaim the lost fragments of yourself through whatever it is, through your magic, through your birth chart.

We actually see the medicine and we see it inside of the frequencies of the Zodiac, the planets, the sky, because they are an archetypal language for the entire universe. Whether you want to use human design, whether you want to use numerology, it doesn't matter. There is a sacred lesson inside of each.

And this is the magick and medicine of Karmic astrology.

So the question really comes down to, you know, what are you finding inside of your story within your ancestral karma, your lineage, what your grandparents taught you, what has happened in your childhood. All these things are showing you the path of what you intended to experience here on earth. And really at a core level this is your purpose.

Want to go deeper?

Check out this weeks episode of the Podcast to dive deeper into Soul Contracts and Family connections.

In this weeks episode you’ll discover:

  • How to find peace within pain in the family line

  • Understanding the person is not the soul

  • Soul contracts and what we agreed to

  • Who is playing the role for the challenges you want to break through?

  • Finding forgiveness and peace in hard family contracts

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I deeply believe that knowledge should be accessible to all who seek it, and that’s why I share my insights, teachings, and guidance as freely as possible. If my work has touched your heart, offered clarity, or helped you on your path, I invite you to consider offering an energy exchange in return so that I may keep doing this work for you.

Obsessed with Ancestry, Past Lives, & Astrology? Join me inside of It’s Karmic 2: Decoding Ancestral Karma with the Birth Chart

Want to start decoding your Ancestral Astrology today? Grab the Guide here 👇

VIKA BRADFORD - Karmic Astrologer, Teacher, Speaker, Writer

Vika Bradford is a Canadian astrologer, writer, spiritual teacher, energy healer and host of the It’s Karmic Podcast. Vika has been studying spiritual practices since 2012 and began teaching her philosophies and practices because of the powerful healing effect they had on her life. Through her 10+ years of study she began teaching Karmic astrology in 2020 to empower and catalyze the awakening of radical self love by helping her students and clients discover their authentic selves through shadow work, karmic healing, and cosmic alignment. Vika began her journey of healing after many years of depression, suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety and many auto immune disorders.

The purpose of Vika’s work is to assist in her students and clients finding true liberation, living outside of the system, and shattering the norm around healing and being human. This is done through her powerful system of astrology, embodiment, and energy work to bring her clients back to homeostasis, authenticity, and their true selves through courses, certifications, mentorships, a monthly membership, certification and potent birth chart readings.


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